Thanks for all the compliments on my photograms
I added one more that I photoshopped.
I've been working on a ton of presents for people for Christmas
I think Christmas is by far my favorite holiday! All the presents and family and snow and the tree
Only one more day of class before Thanksgiving!
I'm in charge of desserts so it's pumpkin pie, chocolate tiramisu pie, pecan pie squares, and cranberry orange bread. I'm drooling already
I love cooking!
I get presents too since it's so close to my birthday
We went to see "Love Actually" last Saturday. What a cute movie!
I have the biggest crush on Keira Knightley now
Well it started with "Pirates of the Caribbean"
It's amazing to me that it's still so warm out, definitely not complaining about that.
Human Waste Project is an amazing band! Aimee Echo has the most adorable voice
Her band is called theStart now though.
Well I'm off to work on some more pictures and comment on all your lovely journals

I've been working on a ton of presents for people for Christmas

I think Christmas is by far my favorite holiday! All the presents and family and snow and the tree

Only one more day of class before Thanksgiving!
I'm in charge of desserts so it's pumpkin pie, chocolate tiramisu pie, pecan pie squares, and cranberry orange bread. I'm drooling already

I get presents too since it's so close to my birthday

We went to see "Love Actually" last Saturday. What a cute movie!
I have the biggest crush on Keira Knightley now

It's amazing to me that it's still so warm out, definitely not complaining about that.
Human Waste Project is an amazing band! Aimee Echo has the most adorable voice

Well I'm off to work on some more pictures and comment on all your lovely journals

and i fear i can only view that beauty for a limited time longer. im leaving SG. the reason is a good one but i still dont like it. (leaving i mean). i want to keep tabs with the people i've become fond of here (ie: you
i'll email you soon so i can keep my nice comments flowing to you.
I'm just starting my shopping now too, I love getting gifts for ppl.