Oooo so many pretty new board pictures
How could the girlies look any more gorgeous?
Well Halloween was fun for once
I've been used to just sitting on my ass and watching all the monster movies on tv while everyone around me goes out. Well I got to hang out around a campfire and talk to some really neat people this time
Even though it was raining, I still had fun! Especially when everyone started getting drunk
I hope you guys had a fun Halloween as well
Well I decided to do my photo essay for my photo journalism class in a tattoo shop around here. I just have to say that those guys in there were awesome! Maybe it was because they didn't have anything else to do, but they worked really well with me
One of the guys told me that I should get my eyebrow pierced. He said my facial structure would look good with one. He showed me one with really small silver beads on it. I'm actually considering it, what do you guys think?

Well Halloween was fun for once

I hope you guys had a fun Halloween as well

Well I decided to do my photo essay for my photo journalism class in a tattoo shop around here. I just have to say that those guys in there were awesome! Maybe it was because they didn't have anything else to do, but they worked really well with me

*giggles uncontrollably*