I need to calm this roller coaster of emotions I have raging inside of me down so much! I can't control it. I guess it's because I've only recently discovered that I have friends who genuinely love me. I never had that before, I never could trust my "friends" before who always hurt me on purpose. Maybe that's why I get so upset still now, I'm afraid that the ones I have now will only turn out to be like the atrocious friends I had before. It haunts me because that's all I ever knew before, I didn't know friends were supposed to be there for you, to listen to everything you had to say, to be a shoulder to cry on, to comfort fears, because they only made me cry and made me fear people more. My friends I have now have changed my views, opened me up and I love them so much for that. I just need to realize that they would never be like the ones I had before, they do love, they aren't going to hurt me intentionally and if I keep telling myself this over and over I'll be ok, I'll be happy, especially knowing that they will be happier themselves because they deserve that! They are wonderful people and I just adore everything about them and always will!
Thank you for what you said! It's really too bad we don't live closer because I'd love to break through and find that chocolately center of yours!
tatum sweetheart.......i will ALWAYS ALWAYS LOVE YOU and ALWAYS *ALWAYS* BE HERE FOR YOU!!!! here to the end. to the VERY end. i promise with all my heart. i will not turn out like those horrible people that you called "friends" so many years ago. i am true. i am honest. i am loyal. i am there for you. you can count on me
and i hope you had fun with D tonight