Goodness it's been awhile since I updated!
I'm still a little bummed that I didn't get to go to Cedar Point but I'm really glad that everyone had a good time!
My grandpa isn't doing that well
They thought he had lung cancer but he's never smoked so they did a million tests and it turns out that there isn't any there at all. He still doesn't feel well at all but he will be turning 90 in a couple months
I went to see "Pirates of the Caribbean" which was AMAZING! Johnny Depp is hot but gothy pirate Johnny wow, I was drooling
I also went to see "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen" and I must say that I have the biggest crush on Stewart Townsend now
I had to see it twice
Along with my crush on Stewart, I watched "Queen of the Damned" again and now I am obsessed with vampires! I've been reading a ton about them and downloading things, I don't know why. I guess it's because vampires are similar to spiders and you all should know how much I love spiders by now
It inspired me to write some poetry as well:
Nosferatus Child
I feel your eyes upon me
your bite within me
Inviting me into a family
born from one blood
The last drop of my soul remains
as you offer yourself to me
Diving into your flesh
sweeter than life itself
My veins boil black
consuming my dying carcass
Unleashing demons unknown
delivering me to a new god
My organs twisting and coiling
I fall to my knees
Reborn with a hunger
for a heart that still beats
I am your daughter
my master, creator
I bow before you
humbled by your name

I'm still a little bummed that I didn't get to go to Cedar Point but I'm really glad that everyone had a good time!

My grandpa isn't doing that well

I went to see "Pirates of the Caribbean" which was AMAZING! Johnny Depp is hot but gothy pirate Johnny wow, I was drooling

I also went to see "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen" and I must say that I have the biggest crush on Stewart Townsend now

Along with my crush on Stewart, I watched "Queen of the Damned" again and now I am obsessed with vampires! I've been reading a ton about them and downloading things, I don't know why. I guess it's because vampires are similar to spiders and you all should know how much I love spiders by now

Nosferatus Child
I feel your eyes upon me
your bite within me
Inviting me into a family
born from one blood
The last drop of my soul remains
as you offer yourself to me
Diving into your flesh
sweeter than life itself
My veins boil black
consuming my dying carcass
Unleashing demons unknown
delivering me to a new god
My organs twisting and coiling
I fall to my knees
Reborn with a hunger
for a heart that still beats
I am your daughter
my master, creator
I bow before you
humbled by your name
Glad to hear things are going well.
sorry to hear about your grandpa. my grandma has pancreatic cancer and pretty severe dementia. god i hope when my parents go they go quickly, so i don't have to go through what my mom is going through. *shudder*
i like your poem. most of the time poems in that vein (pun intended), tend to be a wee bit cliche, but with your phrasing it sounds very fresh.