...I am truly and without a doubt the most unhappy I have ever been. I hate so many things in my life that I am forced to live with or die trying. Since I have become a manager at my store I have learned a lot about myself. Some of these things are excellent and perfectly flawless, although at the exact polar opposite of this spectrum, every great thing has an equally hard after effect. I don't know what to say or even where to start .. in a nut shell I feel lost. I am faithfully in love with a woman that most people are not allowed to know about due to certain regulations and such. It really sucks when you know the only person that could honestly make you happy is states away. What can I do about it? Nothing. Just like I can't do anything about work, health, life, madness, anger, stress and all of the other little bullshit situations and emotions I am forced to deal with.
...God Damnit I'm pissed! I'm sick and tired of playing the tactful game, I am sick and tired of being sweet to those who couldn't give two squats or piss if I die today or 80 years from now. So what do I do? Nothing, or so I thought, Until.... My Epiphany. Love me or hate me its "My Epiphany" Only for me, mine. I will die twice and come back as the knife that was held by Judas before I ever share with a soul.
"There is a fine line between Genius and Insane ... Sometime lines can be crossed."
...God Damnit I'm pissed! I'm sick and tired of playing the tactful game, I am sick and tired of being sweet to those who couldn't give two squats or piss if I die today or 80 years from now. So what do I do? Nothing, or so I thought, Until.... My Epiphany. Love me or hate me its "My Epiphany" Only for me, mine. I will die twice and come back as the knife that was held by Judas before I ever share with a soul.
"There is a fine line between Genius and Insane ... Sometime lines can be crossed."
I'm with Monet on this one. Maybe a change of sceanery would do some good. There's nothing better to cure a rut than a fresh start some place new.

yup. i could use a beer as well. what are you up to tonight? want to grab a heneiken with me and wallow in our sorrows?