"Venting in Reverse on the top of a Sword"
... I swear things are not right anymore. It's like I'm walking through an enigma that is sugar coated by a spiraling vortex. I'm starting to honestly believe that my only purpose on this earth is to make people who couldn't give two shits or piss smile. Maybe it's the fact that my Ex Girlfriend would rather think things are "Over" then to just do something crazy and make up for all the broken promises and prove her words "I Know you're the one." and stop saying the words, "I'm Sorry." Or maybe it's the fact that the good friends I thought I once had in my life couldn't tell you shit about me anymore because they are to fucking busy to pick up the phone and say, "Hey how have you been?" It could also possibly be that looking at others inlove, in trust and in happiness tend to make me a tad bit depressed and absolutely jealous.
... What is it about me that Karma must play these evil games? What have I honestly done to deserve this shit? Why do I even bother caring anymore, I mean honestly why should I? Only to get stepped on, kicked, lied to, treated like shit, pissed on, walked on, stabbed in the back, talked about when I'm not around, forgotten about only to be remembered when its convenient for people? Fuck that! It's not fair. Do people really know what they are doing? I mean is humanity that generally fucked up? Why is it the moment someone shows them their heart or kindness, it becomes an open target for attack? Ok I know what you're saying; yes I guess I am a tad bit bitter. Can you honestly Blame Me? I just want one thing to go right for once!
"Truth or Consequences Under a Vanilla Sky"
... Last night I had a little conversation with my brother in the center of the basement room I had been working on for my ex. He said a few interesting things to me, some made me cry inside others made me stop and realize that time is a heavy handed tattoo artist with turrets syndrome. What if you woke up tomorrow morning only to find out everything that you believed to be real had been nothing more than a dream? What if the people you loved or hated were nothing more than a figment of your imagination? A dream that went terribly wrong or absolutely wonderful depending on who you are. What would you miss? Who would you wish hadn't been only a dream? How would you handle it, could you even handle it? I didn't quite get the point he was trying to make until this morning.
... I guess how I took it was like this, Live your life like it is a dream. Anything and everything is possible in a dream, and everything an anything is possible today. Just remember to do it for yourself, live for yourself, because one day you just may only find yourself by yourself. Treat the ones that mean the most to you like gold and the ones that aren't.. Erase them from your memory. The biggest thought I carry is that if in the end I do have a chance to reflect, at least I can say I tried to make the world a brighter place to live in. You are part of that world, so why not appreciate that factor and trust the good things, because these days they are few and far between.
I guess I can only leave you with these final quotes.
"Live today like it's your last day and love it for yourself"
"Guilt is like a bag of fucking bricks. All you gotta is set it down... Who are you carrying all those bricks for anyway? God? Is that it? God? Well I tell you. Let me give you a little inside information about God. God likes to watch. He's a prankster. Think about it. He gives man instincts. He gives you this extraordinary gift and then what does he do? I swear, for his own amusement, his own private cosmic gagril he sets the rules in opposition. It's the goof of all time. Look but don't touch. Touch but don't taste. Taste but don't swallow. And while you're jumping on one foot to the next, what is he doing? He's laughing his sick fucking ass off. He's a tightass. He's a sadist. He's an absentee-landlord! Worship that? Never! "
Tattooed N Screwed Superstar
PS.. I still fucking want this for Christmas .. Muahahahaha!
PPS.."One million dollars may not be able to buy happiness,
.... but it can sure as shit buy a lot of hookers!"
... I swear things are not right anymore. It's like I'm walking through an enigma that is sugar coated by a spiraling vortex. I'm starting to honestly believe that my only purpose on this earth is to make people who couldn't give two shits or piss smile. Maybe it's the fact that my Ex Girlfriend would rather think things are "Over" then to just do something crazy and make up for all the broken promises and prove her words "I Know you're the one." and stop saying the words, "I'm Sorry." Or maybe it's the fact that the good friends I thought I once had in my life couldn't tell you shit about me anymore because they are to fucking busy to pick up the phone and say, "Hey how have you been?" It could also possibly be that looking at others inlove, in trust and in happiness tend to make me a tad bit depressed and absolutely jealous.
... What is it about me that Karma must play these evil games? What have I honestly done to deserve this shit? Why do I even bother caring anymore, I mean honestly why should I? Only to get stepped on, kicked, lied to, treated like shit, pissed on, walked on, stabbed in the back, talked about when I'm not around, forgotten about only to be remembered when its convenient for people? Fuck that! It's not fair. Do people really know what they are doing? I mean is humanity that generally fucked up? Why is it the moment someone shows them their heart or kindness, it becomes an open target for attack? Ok I know what you're saying; yes I guess I am a tad bit bitter. Can you honestly Blame Me? I just want one thing to go right for once!
"Truth or Consequences Under a Vanilla Sky"
... Last night I had a little conversation with my brother in the center of the basement room I had been working on for my ex. He said a few interesting things to me, some made me cry inside others made me stop and realize that time is a heavy handed tattoo artist with turrets syndrome. What if you woke up tomorrow morning only to find out everything that you believed to be real had been nothing more than a dream? What if the people you loved or hated were nothing more than a figment of your imagination? A dream that went terribly wrong or absolutely wonderful depending on who you are. What would you miss? Who would you wish hadn't been only a dream? How would you handle it, could you even handle it? I didn't quite get the point he was trying to make until this morning.
... I guess how I took it was like this, Live your life like it is a dream. Anything and everything is possible in a dream, and everything an anything is possible today. Just remember to do it for yourself, live for yourself, because one day you just may only find yourself by yourself. Treat the ones that mean the most to you like gold and the ones that aren't.. Erase them from your memory. The biggest thought I carry is that if in the end I do have a chance to reflect, at least I can say I tried to make the world a brighter place to live in. You are part of that world, so why not appreciate that factor and trust the good things, because these days they are few and far between.
I guess I can only leave you with these final quotes.
"Live today like it's your last day and love it for yourself"
"Guilt is like a bag of fucking bricks. All you gotta is set it down... Who are you carrying all those bricks for anyway? God? Is that it? God? Well I tell you. Let me give you a little inside information about God. God likes to watch. He's a prankster. Think about it. He gives man instincts. He gives you this extraordinary gift and then what does he do? I swear, for his own amusement, his own private cosmic gagril he sets the rules in opposition. It's the goof of all time. Look but don't touch. Touch but don't taste. Taste but don't swallow. And while you're jumping on one foot to the next, what is he doing? He's laughing his sick fucking ass off. He's a tightass. He's a sadist. He's an absentee-landlord! Worship that? Never! "
Tattooed N Screwed Superstar
PS.. I still fucking want this for Christmas .. Muahahahaha!
PPS.."One million dollars may not be able to buy happiness,
.... but it can sure as shit buy a lot of hookers!"