What is the Mutha Truckin' word Baby Birds!?!?!
... I am broadcasting live and direct from White Trash Heaven! Currently the Skies are cloudy as another Winter Storm begins to stir up some ruckus. Things have been going so/so for the past week. I have managed to work more than I have ever worked in a long time. Massive amounts of dollars to be made before Christmas. Ever since I started working as a Retail Manager I swear I aged like 20 years in a period of one month. The stress factor is at an all time high and my patience is wearing thin, but I'm still breathing. Or am I? Hmmm ... Spooky Shit!
... New Ink, New Ink .. Yay for New Ink! I finally started my Chest piece. It's coming along great. The colors are out of this world. I have one more appointment on the 23rd and then I will post some pictures for you all. I placed it dead center of my chest, and let me tell you .. that area stings a little. I can't wait until its done. Woohoo!
.... Ummm, lets see. What else? Ohh ... Wait, umm I forgot. Wait .. yeah, I remember, I have a big ole bottle of Jgermeister and it's calling my name! So without further adu, I leave you with a shot, a toke and a sweet dream.

Stay Metal Chickens \m/

Tattooed N Screwed Superstar
PS.. I so fucking want this for Christmas .. Muahahahaha!
I have that exact picture hanging in my living room.
The sternum is definitely a sensitive spot to get tattooed...I'm not sure I know the guys that you are getting tattooed by, but I am really bad with names. If you ever come to the city, stop in and say hi.