They say, "Sometimes it's time to forget the problem, and start worrying about a solution," with this being said, they also say, "If you love something let it go, and if it was truly meant to be yours, it will come back to you." For so long I looked at both of these quotes so blindly. I thought that if I came up with some monumentally great solution that the problem would disappear, unfortunately I was wrong. I realized that the only way to fix a problem between two individuals is with just that, two individuals. One person cannot fix what is broken, together it can only be fixed. I thought I could fix everything, I thought I alone held the power. I thought way to much. I figured, if I let my love go it would eventually come back to me, once again I was wrong. When you let something go, love just may take it as you don't want it anymore ... and never come back to you. So with all this being said I think today's quote should be, "Love is a Roller Coaster, sometimes it goes up, and sometimes it goes down ... but when it's done and over you just want to get back on again."I have to thank my dear friend Robin for making me realize that crying doesn't solve anything and that the solution is in front of my face. Brandy, if you're reading this, I wanted to say .. "You were right, and I thank you." I just didn't know I was breaking a heart, I was to worried about my own.
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Wednesday Jan 21, 2004
This entry has been Edited. Give me a call when I am allowed to be p… -
Tuesday Jan 20, 2004
I'm sick of being some hidden secret. Thats not love, thats fear. -
Sunday Jan 18, 2004
...I am truly and without a doubt the most unhappy I have ever been. … -
Tuesday Jan 13, 2004
Tell me a joke. I need to laugh. -
Monday Jan 12, 2004
I am, whatever you say I am If I wasn't, then why would I say I am? … -
Saturday Jan 10, 2004
"Crash into Glass" Welcome to the sentence of the rest of your lif… -
Saturday Jan 03, 2004
Ok, so my SB set is now up for viewing. It took me some time to do it… -
Friday Jan 02, 2004
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Wednesday Dec 31, 2003
Listen up Fuckers, this Buds for you! I would like to say to Adore… -
Monday Dec 29, 2003
My Chest Piece is Now Done! It looks too fucking rad for words! I t…
much love
much love