So last night I watched Rocky Balboa and I cried. Not once, but three times. The last time being during the credits, and I wasn't just crying, I was blubbering like a baby. Sobbing. The only thing that got me to stop was doing push ups.
If it's okay for a man to cry it's because of the following things:
1. Something to do with Johnny Cash.
2. Heartbreak + Whiskey.
3. When his dog dies.
4. Rocky movies.
That's right and if anyone wants to say I'm a punk for crying during and after this movie, I'll breat your ass harder than Ivan Drago did to Apollo Creed.
If it's okay for a man to cry it's because of the following things:
1. Something to do with Johnny Cash.
2. Heartbreak + Whiskey.
3. When his dog dies.
4. Rocky movies.
That's right and if anyone wants to say I'm a punk for crying during and after this movie, I'll breat your ass harder than Ivan Drago did to Apollo Creed.
You cried? Really?? Thats sweet! I have to see it. I will eventually. Have a great day! 

I cried was a great movie.