EXTREMELY humbled is what I am feeling since Friday!! ☺️
Huge special shout out to Nate Van Wagnen, Drag Illustrated, Tara Bowker and all involved with this months featured article on me in the PDRA section of Drag Illustrated.
It's very difficult for me to describe my feelings on this, as "Loud & Wicked" as I look out in the racing venues with the neon green mohawk, wicked clowns getup and all the "flash", I'm pretty reserved/quiet even in "real life".
I'm very passionate about racing though - it's where I feel "alive" and where I feel "at home". Anyone that knows me at least knows that.
Thanks again for everyone's support and Dan Wagner & Kathie Mcgregor for basically making my life what it is today. Without their support I literally would not be getting the exposure I am, I just hope I can live up to all the hype this season!!
Special thanks to my parents George & Dorothy Allen for taking care of the home front and the business while I'm gone racing and my girls/daughters Amanda Allen & Sydney Allen for putting up with spending all the money I do on racing instead of them a lot of the time [most of the time]. I know I'm not always the easiest to live with and I get stressed out a bunch around a race date...lol
New thanks to Steven Bowen as he is coming on board for 2019 as my "crew" and all around helper at races. Everyone that helps out at races is a volunteer so I really appreciate all the help of everyone!!
Just want to mention the following sponsors/supporters for all their help with products/services:
#PDRA #DragIllustrated #DTMPerformance #BlackRockPhotography#MaxxECU #ShadyRays #GOPRO #DRAG965 #DragBikecom#TimblinChassis #Ti64 #GrothusDragBIkes #FastbyGast #nextleveltiremanagement#BatesLeathers #SimpsonRaceProducts #WardPerformance #ARCTTF#VPRacingFuels #RapidGraphix Hopefully I didn't miss anyone, but if I did THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!