Today has been an absolute shit show from the very beginning. It all started this morning when I let my dogs out. I could hear a train, so I thought, "well fuck, now I'm going to be late." Then, I bring my dogs in and get ready to leave, and my car won't start. So I call a tow company. They said it would be a couple hours and almost $100. So I said yeah sure, whatever, I have to get it out to work so I can fix it. Well, just for shits and giggles, I tried starting it again after I got off the phone. Naturally, it fired right up. So, had to call the towing company back and cancel that, and the dude on the phone was asking all kinds of questions about why I cancelled. Like, dude, calm the fuck down. My car started, thats all you need to know. Then I get to work, and nothing was going right. Then about 1 o'clock, I pull mine in to fix it. Well, it didn't want to start again. So, I said fuck it, I'll do it outside. Started disconnecting the battery and everything to do what I got to do. Then decided to put my windows down so my car wouldn't be boiling when I left. So, I hook the battery back up real quick, and again, for shits and giggles, I tried starting my car. Fired right up. So I get it in, I get the starter off of it and put the new one in, and..... Nothing. Still won't start. So, we ordered another starter. That finally shows up an hour and a half later. Thankfully, that one fixed it. It's been hot as hell this week so far, and we dont have any fans out in the shop, which has just been god awful. Oh, and on top of all that, I went to go use the restroom after lunch, and the button on my work pants popped off. So glad today is finally over