So, for the longest time, the only "online" console I have had had been Xbox. No, not because I think it's better, but because that's what all my friends were getting. But I think I'm going to be coming into some extra money here pretty soon, and I think I'm finally going to get a PlayStation 4! And I'm pretty excited! I know they have tons of awesome exclusives, like the God of War series and the Uncharted series. Plus, I have recently discovered they are releasing a remastered version of Final Fantasy 7, which is going to be amazing!! But yeah, if anyone would be interested in playing sometime, please give me a shout as I will be starting from scratch and only have maybe 2 friends! But, I guess that's all! For those reading, have a lovely test of your day 😊
More Blogs
Just a heads up
Just a quick little heads up. I had to make a new account because o… -
Babes I've Been Hardcore Crushing On Vol. 42
It's that time of week again ladies and gents, so lets just get rig… -
Battlefield 5
So, I just saw that Battlefield 5 was available for preorder now. I… -
Story time!
So, what I'm about to tell you all, I haven't really told anyone. … -
Babes I've Been Hardcore Crushing On Vol. 41
Alrighty ladies and gents, Vol. 41. Let's get started shall we … -
Dudes, please, lets finally get this woman to the front page. Pleas… -
Fuck today
Today has been an absolute shit show from the very beginning. It a… -
Babes I've Been Hardcore Crushing On Vol. 40
Holy crap ladies and gents! I've actually been doing this weekly bl…