
on top may I present , [in the orange trunks] the elderly caretaker who navigates around her apartment with a walking stick. Clomp, clomp on my roof.

There'e the guy next door and his philipino boi who go at it usually after 4am. We do our best to reciprocate.

My downstairs neighbour bangs on her ceiling when we are fucking, see above para] and...
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I'm glad I helped you come to that realisation. smile
Realisation? Are you the elderly caretaker or the sex-change prostitute?
So much drama going down in Israel these days so I thought Id share my thoughts on a night in the day of the city of Tel Aviv...

with junkies and alkies passed out on benches and street corners aching for their next fix, street prostitutes cruising for their next trick and kickboxing, Sephardic Jews providing necessary muscle for the Russian mob.

The mean, graffiti-ridden...
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Looks like you've got a lot of words...your in Isreal, thats so hot!
An youre the funky gal who'se into hot cars!

Yeah, it's cool here. Nice vibe, lotta beautiful people.

Rolled out of bed waaay too early. Was up fighting mozzies and I had wierd dreams about Afghanistan and taking photo's of the Taleban...

Orly is in the S o France now. Weeks of meditation and hikes await her. She's been in touch regularly from Spain and France and is doing alright. It's great to hear her voice and today I woke up thinking how...
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What a day. To say the least.

Nu. I was in the Gush [settlement area in the Gaza strip] yesterday, accompanying a pro-settler group from Noo-yawk City that was touring the area.

Hey hun-ny. So yah a re-portah? Whod yah write fo? [heavy Broolyn accent]. Took pics of the settlements. Took pics of two holocaust survivors who happened to be with the group. We was...
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Thoughts on "being released"...

When my late sister-in-law's mom [Molly] died my brother was sitting at home digesting the news that only he and other close members of family knew, when a friend called him up to say, "I just saw an amazing sight. Molly was flying in a chariot up into the sky. What do you think it means?"

Hmmm... is that what happens...
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I agree with you on the British Isles being sacred ground.. when I was there last, I visited much more than those places (West Kennet Long Barrow and Tintagel, respectively), but there are standing stones and ancient circles all over the place. Hundreds of ancient sites, some not even on maps. Stonehenge is awesome, but other sites had much more spirit to them..
You went to Karnak..I would love to visit it. Its on my list of places to see in my life. I want to go to Easter Island as well.

Interesting observation in regards to Elijah btw. smile smile
Have decided to reinvent myself. Cut the 'I am unemployed"crap. I am now "between projects". It''s more empowering.

Basically I consult on corporate communications to IT companies which tends to see me working on a lot of web, PR, media and marketing-related projects.

I recently made contact with a foreign correspondent who works for a number of the major UK-papers and we may be working...
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As of this week I am no longer with the religious no fun-damentalists and I need to get some work going so da pita breads can continue to fly in the window and land on the dining room table.

I've been checking the job ads; mailed my CV out to a few. I have decided to focus on industries other than IT and it looks...
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Bored. 2nd day of unemployment. Feeling sorry for myself. Dreamt about going back to the office to pick up my last paycheck and got into a conversation with one of the sales guys about a pair of cufflinks I just bought. Yeah, lank! Dreams are strange.

Fought with my girl last night. Silly arb stuff. We made up. She fell aslep on the couch. Today...
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Yeah, we'll see where it goes with her. Re. Elv. It's a toss up between Hard Headed Woman and Crawfish, but the guitar solo on King Creole blows me away.
I had my first real job interview today, With a security software develoent company. Where are they based? A run-down apartment block. Flat one, ground floor.

So i walk in. They offer me something to drink. "Make it in the kitchen," the receptionist said, neglecting to mention that I had to clean the dishes and a kettle to achieve said drink. I decline.

Meet the boss. Sit in broken chair with short legs that ensures I have to look up at him while trying to keep my balance. There are no other chairs in the office.

Just when i am about to get up and leave he tells me in broken english he doesn't know what it is I do. "What is this with Lufthansa? And HP? I don't understand." and tells someone else in the company to talk to me...

After 10 minutes with this guy, who seems to do everything in the company, except wash the dishes, I am told they don't have a marketing budget. "But we need one!" or a marketing strategy, "But we need one!"

They've been in business for 22 years and boast clients like Pepsi, yet have done next to nothing in thr way of pr.

I was then told that I do not have the job [relief] but they might consider me to work within their marketing department. They don't have one. "But we need one!" Erm... no thanks. An hour before I went to the interview I heard form one of my sources that th company has a very high stunover rate amd that the last two marketing people left of their own accord. Why? They had o buget or authority to initiate nad implement ampaigns; managaement remained, indifferent

Moving on

[Edited on May 05, 2005 11:29PM]
Fuck a duck!

Got fired. Blah. A good thing, cos I was working at a company full of right-wing religious Jews who were insisting I had to REPENT; REPENT: REPENT; and stop work and study at a yeshiva. As I am a left-leaning socialist Jew I can tell ya it ain't my thang.

Still looking for graft, and considering self-employment options as well. Fun.

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Started reading The Artist's Way this weekend. Wow. Interrrresting book. A gift from my gal who's up north doing a vepassena.
I enjoy shooting subjects which reflect the self-inflicted decay of urbanity (Wow, there's a rootin-tootin, high-falootin' sentence for you!) but the gritty, dirty side of the city does seem to come out best when I use my plastic Holga camera.

The pictures also have a dreamy cast to them which also relates to life in the big shitty. As I see it, anyway.

These pictures...
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Sure, but hey...

Can't recall if she was a 70 or a 72 model. I put in a reconditioned engine, resprayed her, red leather interior, the works.

Sadly I had to leave her behind when I immigrated frown Been looking around Israel at the Bugs here and ... none come close.

Thinkin bout getting a bike
so youre jewish and tattooed huh? you know, ive heard arguments against this...but also arguments for it....ah, dont listen to me its four in the morning i dont know what the hell im tryin to say except thanks for dropping the comment...xox...haha and GOOD MORNING!!!
It's early in the evening. Pearl Jam Hearts n Thoughts is playing on my 'puter and I am slowly getting ready to head on down to the beach. Been a mellow day.

Socially things have been quiet as I have been putting my energies into work but I'm not worried I know I can get into the game quite when I want to.

I am...
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