Short n 2 da point are my keywords today.

There's a lot going on in my life right now. Ya Alah! Mah karah, you ask? Mehvin or lo? I don't care either way, it's my blog.

I recently broke up with my fiance, I'm on the verge of quitting my fuck-ass job and leaving the country.

Good news is my dSLR is on its way...
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Holiday in Istanbul

The fave holiday destination of most Israeli's beckoned us this midwinter so last weekend off we flew...

We landed in Istanbul at 7h30 pm, checked into our 4 Star hotel which turned out to be something between 1 & 2 stars and went for coffee and a smoke (hookah) at some strange place down the road from us. We later found out...
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In the sprit of the Thanksgiving holiday I spent time reflecting on things in my life that I am thankful for....here is my short list:

I am thankful for the opportunity to be living in Israel, away from the ever downwardly spiralling South Africa

I am thankful for my old friends

I am thankful for meeting Orly, I am learning so much

I am thankful...
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An old friend is getting it together to publish a history of the South African Heavy metal / Punk scene that began in '84 and continues to this day. It's something I, and later he, played a big role in establishing.

Nu? We have not been in touch for years. He'd become somewhat distant ... no, holier-than-thou, and that attitude just drove me away. Until...
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Hey hey hey! Just got back from the US and...

we're engaged!

Yeah, I got down on bended knee on the banks of a river in Yosemite.

Gorgeous, pristine setting in nature... see Ru55el.com

I'm still trying to wrap my head around it.

I didn't tell Orly's folks we're engaged as I would rather O were here (she's still in the US). They are of...
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In this time of war in Israel, and with terror plots being uncovered in London, Canada, the US, and elsewhere it would serve us well to remember what the WOT is all about. It is not about Islamofascists (for they are pawns) is it not about Zionism (for we too are pawns) or the Great Satan (for they are hoist on their own petard). It...
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Thanks for the insightful and informational blog. It's good to read some levelheaded talk about current events...too often it seems that such things devolve into name-calling and arguing.
On a global scale it's easy for me to comment. Living in Israel though, it's somewhat different. Yesterday at my girlfreind's parents for lunch and her dad - a big, old, tough Iraqi - started to cry when he thought about all the young Israeli soldiers who have been killed recently.

This is my first war (in Israel) and it's hard not to get dragged into one camp or the other.
It's 6:33 am in Tel Aviv. It's overcast. We were going to the beach and I got caught up writing email. Outside an ambulance pulls into the hospital across the road. Sirens wail all the time here but I am used to it. I've lived in this apartment for almost a year-and-a-half.

The Office of the Home Front has advised everyone to be prepared for...
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interesting post... we agree on things disagree on others.
Ahh... Wodka! The only half-decent drink one can get in Iz that doesn't cost a fortune.

Another long day at the orifice. Waiting for my girl to arrive and then we are off for pizza. Meanwhile... I drink...

We went away to En Karem over the weekend. A lovely little bucolic retreat nestled in the hills surrounding Jerusalem.

Staying at the Priory Notre Dame de...
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As long as we remain true to ourselves and harn none what does it matter... you n I look pretty "normal" don't we
Logistics. smile

Thanks for viewing! smile

Hi all. I must apologise having been away from SG for a while due to... EMPLOYMENT

Thanks for all the b-day wishes :-)

It's Autumn in Iz, a time of transition. The gradually chilly temperatures are creeping in and the time I spend at the beach has dwindled to, well, zero. The ever-earlier sunsets make me question why I am still at the office when...
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Hey there, I'm writing everybody on the sight who's in Israel. You see I'm going to be at Kibbutz Yotvata, near Eilat for five months, and I don't know anybody. So, If you're in that area, let me know. I will be lonely.
thanks, I Tel Aviv sounds like the place to be. I going to try to get there in June.
Today I am funky n 40!


smile smile smile
מזל טוב
happy really late birthday
I went to work on Monday - a half day as it was Erev Rosh haShanah. I think I will have fun there. The company is called Algorithmic Research.

Their tech is interesting [data encryption] and they have some very big clients. I find myself challenged which has not happened for many years. The people I work with are mainly techies and seem to be...
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Without a doubt my Jozi experience was a rich one and I am glad I did it. I managed to bond with my mom and sis. It was as if we had seen each other just the week before but without the guilt.My mom is now 81 and her memory is getting bad; and her health deteriorating in general. She gets depressed too and I...
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