got my nails done tonight, look just so damn cute if i do say so myself! *grins*
bought like 6 shirts for work, tired of wearin t-shirts.
need pants now.
nate bought me food buts its a surprise, thinkin i wanna eat it ofa him *heehee*
gonna be a porn star for halloween, a naughty nurse to be spec. woohoo
goona go to a show that night, so that should be interesting, but i love the attention!...even when i say i dont
bought like 6 shirts for work, tired of wearin t-shirts.
need pants now.
nate bought me food buts its a surprise, thinkin i wanna eat it ofa him *heehee*
gonna be a porn star for halloween, a naughty nurse to be spec. woohoo
goona go to a show that night, so that should be interesting, but i love the attention!...even when i say i dont
nice costume