Wednesday Nov 05, 2003 Nov 5, 2003 0 Facebook Tweet Email So no sugery and I am sick now. Fuck it seems the shit is dropping on my house lately!!! I guess it can only get brighter from here. No worries I am going back to bed. VIEW 4 of 4 COMMENTS mothra: I need some shirts made. Ask your bro what he needs format wise and how much he can do it for. Plus me and my chick are on the outs and I need to get drunk as much as possible these days. Anynight you can go out let me know. Let's meet up. Nov 8, 2003 jaeiam: Surgery for what? Nov 9, 2003
Plus me and my chick are on the outs and I need to get drunk as much as possible these days. Anynight you can go out let me know. Let's meet up.