Hey Suicideland!
I'm so excited, Yade and I are shooting next week on Monday for my new set! It shall be zombietastic, I've even enlisted the help of a few friends to costar with me. It will be AWESOME!
You may have noticed I changed my name from Noomi to Lucipherus. I've wanted to change my name for a while because I've never really been happy with it, it's just that all my first choices for names were taken when I applied but I've since come up with Lucipherus which I'm very happy with!
Remember my set Sui Generis is still in MR and it would very much appreciate your love
I have a proposal to make. My wishlist is full of amazing things, and I've decided that for every lovely treasure I receive in the mail, I will use it in an SG set
Also, once after my next shoot is done and depending how it does in MR I'm thinking of selling some signed prints! What do you think?
Alrighty, to finish off, here are some sexy sets in MR that definitely need your love
Joker - Here I am
Delora - True Blue
Maokiz - Miss Sparrow
Cohen - Sodden
Euforia - El Aroma Invisible
Fletching - The Sound (and this girl has had a rough few days, head on over and cheer her up
Ninouchka - Jouseuse
Blazing - Like a Lady
Klementyna - Quattro
That's all for now
I'm so excited to shoot my set!
Love, Lucipherus xoxoxo
I'm so excited, Yade and I are shooting next week on Monday for my new set! It shall be zombietastic, I've even enlisted the help of a few friends to costar with me. It will be AWESOME!
You may have noticed I changed my name from Noomi to Lucipherus. I've wanted to change my name for a while because I've never really been happy with it, it's just that all my first choices for names were taken when I applied but I've since come up with Lucipherus which I'm very happy with!
Remember my set Sui Generis is still in MR and it would very much appreciate your love

I have a proposal to make. My wishlist is full of amazing things, and I've decided that for every lovely treasure I receive in the mail, I will use it in an SG set

Also, once after my next shoot is done and depending how it does in MR I'm thinking of selling some signed prints! What do you think?

Alrighty, to finish off, here are some sexy sets in MR that definitely need your love

Joker - Here I am

Delora - True Blue

Maokiz - Miss Sparrow

Cohen - Sodden

Euforia - El Aroma Invisible

Fletching - The Sound (and this girl has had a rough few days, head on over and cheer her up

Ninouchka - Jouseuse

Blazing - Like a Lady

Klementyna - Quattro

That's all for now

I'm so excited to shoot my set!
Love, Lucipherus xoxoxo
wow is all i can say.....lovely pics =D

Love the pics... Did you say Zombietastic? I'm getting really excited for this set!