What is happening to our world? I'm genuinely concerned. And, I normally wouldn't even peek out from my bubble, but I find it incredulous that mankind is going completely to shit.
There are so many things that I don't understand in this world, but I roll with it because that's the way the world is going these day. But, these senseless acts of violence that have become more prevalent over the last few years, I don't understand. And, it's also one of the biggest reasons that I will never have children.
This generation of kids are so coddled and shielded from the bad in this world that they will never be prepared to run this world. Great, they're super smart and have more technology than ever to make the future better. But, they won't. They're pussies. They are not, and will not be ready. And, shit like what happened in Paris will continue. People like ISIS, and other groups like them see our weakness. They've seen their chance to attack, and they have taken advantage of it.
Put on your big boy/girl pants, everyone. Because posting pictures of the Eiffel Tower as a peace sign isn't going to save our world.
If you're offended by what I'm writing, I'm truly sorry, but this is truth.
And, for all of the French members, SGs, and hopefuls, my thoughts are with you. Be safe and God bless.