So, I'm sitting in a hotel room in Springfiend, Ohio at 5:26am waiting for the girlfriend to wake up. I haven't been able to sleep much. The bed is super hard and I've been worried about our car and trailer being broken into. I know my worries are unfounded for the most part, but it's just how I am. We didn't get as far as...
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So, I mentioned in a blog post a couple months ago that I would be moving to Phoenix soon. Well, that move is less than 3 weeks away. On September 1st it's time. I've met at least one person that I'm excited to finally meet when I get there, but would love to meet a bunch more people. So, if anyone wants to to make...
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So, the girlfriend and I are moving to Phoenix, Arizona in September. I figured I would make a blog post and see if I can meet some people in that area before we move. Who lives in AZ and wants to be friends? 😝
Go on over to @luna and help The Purple Print make front page!
If you have the Peach app, add me. My username is tattooedmafia.
This is a huge deal, but I think it's time. I'm going to donate to Locks of Love, which I've never done before. Does anyone have experience doing this?
I just went through my friend list and deleted about 100 people who haven't been on the site in at least a year. Really stinks. I really enjoyed the chats and getting to know new people.
16 years ago my life was a mess. My parents had both passed away only a couple years earlier and I really didn't care about anything anymore. I was doing every drug that was handed to me. But, the one that really took a hold on me was heroin. It took me down such a dark path that, at one point, I was sleeping in...
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Freshman year in high school for me was when the first Stone Temple Pilots album came out. I bought it on tape somewhere in the Poconos. I remember it so well because, when I listened to it, I knew they were something special.
The disease of addiction takes so many people. It almost took me. Maybe that's why this one bothers me so much.