So like many other people I find myself becoming sucked into the reality/competition genre of TV and actaually giving a shit about who wins and loses. Case in point - ROCKSTAR SUPERNOVA. I've caught a couple of episodes now and think Dilana and magni are the ONLY two people worthy of winiing and fronting the band. All the other contestants (except Zayra, very talented, just wrong for this band) suck major ass! Case point #2 -AMERICA'S GOT TALENT. Out of the 10 finalists last night, I can think of maybe 2-3 that are worthy of the million dollar prize and notoriety. The rest are mere novelty acts.
Here is another beef I have now with some of the COMPETITION type shows, RSSN, AGT, Last Comic Standing, etc. DO NOT try to snow the American public in to believeing that you just FOUND these people on the street, or in an open audition, etc. What THEY DON"T tell you (you have to dig) is that MANY of the people that make it onto these shows are NOT amateurs but already established acts. On AGT, one of the finalists are a comedy/juggling duo called THE PASSING ZONE. These guys are already fucking established!!! I knew this the first time they were on cuz I had seen them before. Then on last night's show during the whole "let's show the act with a SURPRISE celebrity coach to POLISH their act, PZ's coaches were PENN & TELLER. One of the guys in PZ says'Wow, it was really cool meeting P&T today for the FIRST TIME!" DUUUUUDDDDDEEE! You are such a fucking LIAR!!!! You see, there is a little gem of a movie out there in the DVD universe called "THE ARISTOCRATS" featuring about 100 comedians. The movie was produced by Paul Provenza and , yep you guessed it, Penn Jillete who also "interviews" some of the comics for the segments. Care to guess who interviewed Passing Zone for THEIR segment? Yup, the same Mr. Penn Jillette that somehow they managed to RE-MEET magically 2-3 years later for the VERY FIRST TIME on NBC's America's Got Talent.
A big FUCK YOU to the TV shows that think US, the geberal public are fucking retarded and don't know anything. I'm ranting about something trivial here with wars going on in the world and all the tragedy that happens daily, etc. But I like to be entertained, not lied to. Ok, enough about that....
Many years ago I tried my hand at STAND UP COMEDY. Though my response was positive, I didn't follow through and pursue it as a career cuz I concentrated more on music. Jerry Seinfeld once said "All comedians are failed musicians, and all Musicians are failed Comedians" I have never forgotten this quote. I have always been torn between making great music and making people laugh. Between songs at gigs I always have the crowd laughing their asses off with my banter. FOR years many friends, co-workers, and yes even my parents who never approve of ANYTHING I do have all said I should be doing stand up cuz I am one of the funniest people they have ever heard. Some have gone far enough to say I am a comedic genius. This has gone right to my head. I can longer hold a 9-5 M-F kinda thing due to the health probs, but a part of me really wants to try again, maybe some open mic nights or something and develop my skills and really KNOW for certain if I have what it takes. MY lovely wife is pushing me very hard to DO IT and then audition for one of these TV shows I just mentioned above (nice segue, right? see, I do get to my point eventually after a lengthy diatribe, thanks for coming along on the AMTRAK ride through my psyche!). So, let's here some feedback, just no below the belt stuff guys, I already have a tiny dinky, thanks.
So like many other people I find myself becoming sucked into the reality/competition genre of TV and actaually giving a shit about who wins and loses. Case in point - ROCKSTAR SUPERNOVA. I've caught a couple of episodes now and think Dilana and magni are the ONLY two people worthy of winiing and fronting the band. All the other contestants (except Zayra, very talented, just wrong for this band) suck major ass! Case point #2 -AMERICA'S GOT TALENT. Out of the 10 finalists last night, I can think of maybe 2-3 that are worthy of the million dollar prize and notoriety. The rest are mere novelty acts.
Here is another beef I have now with some of the COMPETITION type shows, RSSN, AGT, Last Comic Standing, etc. DO NOT try to snow the American public in to believeing that you just FOUND these people on the street, or in an open audition, etc. What THEY DON"T tell you (you have to dig) is that MANY of the people that make it onto these shows are NOT amateurs but already established acts. On AGT, one of the finalists are a comedy/juggling duo called THE PASSING ZONE. These guys are already fucking established!!! I knew this the first time they were on cuz I had seen them before. Then on last night's show during the whole "let's show the act with a SURPRISE celebrity coach to POLISH their act, PZ's coaches were PENN & TELLER. One of the guys in PZ says'Wow, it was really cool meeting P&T today for the FIRST TIME!" DUUUUUDDDDDEEE! You are such a fucking LIAR!!!! You see, there is a little gem of a movie out there in the DVD universe called "THE ARISTOCRATS" featuring about 100 comedians. The movie was produced by Paul Provenza and , yep you guessed it, Penn Jillete who also "interviews" some of the comics for the segments. Care to guess who interviewed Passing Zone for THEIR segment? Yup, the same Mr. Penn Jillette that somehow they managed to RE-MEET magically 2-3 years later for the VERY FIRST TIME on NBC's America's Got Talent.
A big FUCK YOU to the TV shows that think US, the geberal public are fucking retarded and don't know anything. I'm ranting about something trivial here with wars going on in the world and all the tragedy that happens daily, etc. But I like to be entertained, not lied to. Ok, enough about that....
Many years ago I tried my hand at STAND UP COMEDY. Though my response was positive, I didn't follow through and pursue it as a career cuz I concentrated more on music. Jerry Seinfeld once said "All comedians are failed musicians, and all Musicians are failed Comedians" I have never forgotten this quote. I have always been torn between making great music and making people laugh. Between songs at gigs I always have the crowd laughing their asses off with my banter. FOR years many friends, co-workers, and yes even my parents who never approve of ANYTHING I do have all said I should be doing stand up cuz I am one of the funniest people they have ever heard. Some have gone far enough to say I am a comedic genius. This has gone right to my head. I can longer hold a 9-5 M-F kinda thing due to the health probs, but a part of me really wants to try again, maybe some open mic nights or something and develop my skills and really KNOW for certain if I have what it takes. MY lovely wife is pushing me very hard to DO IT and then audition for one of these TV shows I just mentioned above (nice segue, right? see, I do get to my point eventually after a lengthy diatribe, thanks for coming along on the AMTRAK ride through my psyche!). So, let's here some feedback, just no below the belt stuff guys, I already have a tiny dinky, thanks.

(ps she fucked up a line on cats cradle but no one seemed to notice)
lol, i agree with you though. final three dilana, lukas, and either [ryan or magni]
i dont know much about the other shows, but they always seem to be corprate
rofl, tiny dinky... thats uber cute