Time has flown so fast. My daughter is in second grade today, and my son starts Kindergarten in an hour. Now, even though I'm still 3 weeks away from turning 35, I REALLY feel old now.....
I SOOOOOOO blew my month of sobriety at the wedding the other night. I got drunk ans stoned off my ass, but it felt good, I felt good, the pain went away , at least temporarily, so no regrets whatsoever.
Lots of nightmares last night, really bad ones. I had been talking in the SG chat earlier about my beliefs in some things that people tend to dismiss or not believe in themselves. I guess it stirred the pot, and brought it to the surface in my mind, ergo - the night terrors.
Time has flown so fast. My daughter is in second grade today, and my son starts Kindergarten in an hour. Now, even though I'm still 3 weeks away from turning 35, I REALLY feel old now.....
I SOOOOOOO blew my month of sobriety at the wedding the other night. I got drunk ans stoned off my ass, but it felt good, I felt good, the pain went away , at least temporarily, so no regrets whatsoever.
Lots of nightmares last night, really bad ones. I had been talking in the SG chat earlier about my beliefs in some things that people tend to dismiss or not believe in themselves. I guess it stirred the pot, and brought it to the surface in my mind, ergo - the night terrors.
I'm glad you had some pain free moments. If it feels good, do it!
Sorry about the night terrors. Oh and I was in SG chat the other night. Well, not SG chat, I'm a big fan of the PSW chat. Oh by the way, I was asked in there if I was married to tattooeddad
Enjoy the peace and quiet while the kids are both gone.