Ok, so I deleted some folks off my friend's list, not b/c they did anything wrong, just b/c their accounts were inactive or they never talk to me, etc. I also tried to shift my TOP 5 around (and had major issues with it not working right?). It's not a popularity contest, just trying to put inthe folks who talk to me frequently or comment on my journal regularly.
3 weeks today without booze and 6 days without pot.....I hurt y'all, badly.......
Still trying to come up with a name for the baby. Even hit the baby name book again for the umpteenth time last night to find a name that fits.....
Heard today from my old friend Belle (she was my lead singer in Elenora, way back when). She is 15 weeks expectant. I couldn't be happier for her.
I'm currently addicted to the PS2 game HOT SHOTS GOLF FORE!.....I wish I could go play golf for real....
12 days til the kiddies start school......bummer.
TO THE SG STAFF: When in the hell are you guys going to post the set for my lovely friend Sunshine?
It's been like months that she has been in limbo. Enuff' already and post the damn set!!!!!!!
Ok, so I deleted some folks off my friend's list, not b/c they did anything wrong, just b/c their accounts were inactive or they never talk to me, etc. I also tried to shift my TOP 5 around (and had major issues with it not working right?). It's not a popularity contest, just trying to put inthe folks who talk to me frequently or comment on my journal regularly.
3 weeks today without booze and 6 days without pot.....I hurt y'all, badly.......
Still trying to come up with a name for the baby. Even hit the baby name book again for the umpteenth time last night to find a name that fits.....
Heard today from my old friend Belle (she was my lead singer in Elenora, way back when). She is 15 weeks expectant. I couldn't be happier for her.

I'm currently addicted to the PS2 game HOT SHOTS GOLF FORE!.....I wish I could go play golf for real....
12 days til the kiddies start school......bummer.
TO THE SG STAFF: When in the hell are you guys going to post the set for my lovely friend Sunshine?
It's been like months that she has been in limbo. Enuff' already and post the damn set!!!!!!!
you should try looking at baby books published in other countries for inspiration! better than naming the new kid after a city...