Lovely wifey is 31 today. The morning sickness is getting better. She is feeling better. I feel like death. Micaela gave me a 4 1/2 hour massge yesterday bevause of how much pain I was in. Later in the night, wifey went to In-N-Out ( a burger joint) and got us food. Within 20 minutes of finishing mine I was throwing up like crazy, went on all night....I suspect food poisoning (I've had it over a dozen times) so I am going to try to get our money back. Now I am going to lay back down. Just needed to see if Ta2dmom, and Mystic had logged on as I have not heard from them in a couple of days (my buddies, I miss them). Also, when in the hell is SG going to make the lovely Sunshine go live already? Jeebus Crispy, it's been like a month since she went pink, let the pix be seen for crying out loud guys!
Lovely wifey is 31 today. The morning sickness is getting better. She is feeling better. I feel like death. Micaela gave me a 4 1/2 hour massge yesterday bevause of how much pain I was in. Later in the night, wifey went to In-N-Out ( a burger joint) and got us food. Within 20 minutes of finishing mine I was throwing up like crazy, went on all night....I suspect food poisoning (I've had it over a dozen times) so I am going to try to get our money back. Now I am going to lay back down. Just needed to see if Ta2dmom, and Mystic had logged on as I have not heard from them in a couple of days (my buddies, I miss them). Also, when in the hell is SG going to make the lovely Sunshine go live already? Jeebus Crispy, it's been like a month since she went pink, let the pix be seen for crying out loud guys!
i had a year ago same place