I'm sure I probably sound like the biggest fucking crybaby in the world, but I've been up for like 2 1/2 hours. I am out of my mind with pain. I can barely hold a cohesive thought right now and I feel like I'm going to throw up from the level of pain. It may come off as reiteration to a few of you, but the nerve disorder I have causes chronic pain 24/7/365. Obviously some days the pain is a little more tolerable, but then I have moments like these where I SWEAR I could jump off a bridge (he says this for effect, not somthing he plans to carry out on, keep the 9-1-1 calls at bay folks).
I'm still brewing about the "movie" incident last night. The more I think about it, the more hurt I become. What's that saying? The ones you love hurt you the most? Or something like that.
I thought I was having a bad day/week then I read zoomusikgrl's journal and realized that I'm never alone in my misery.
I have been contemplating condensing my friend's page to the people who actually message me and comment in my journal regularly. It is in no way a slight against anyone personally. Nobody has been rude or anything. I would just rather keep it to those of you I talk to regularly (for instance -
Mystic, Ta2dmom, Zoomusikgrl, Snakelover, SunshineAngel and SG's - Hydra, Sass, Adelaide, Adria, & Agenda). If YOUR name is not in there it A)DOES NOT MEAN that I don't like you. I would not have added you if I didn't like you. B) That I am deleting you & C) just means I WANT to hear from you more often or know what you think of my entries. Call me insecure, but I like to know how YOU are doing too!
Oh fuck, who am I kidding? I don't have the balls to delete anyone. I'm too afraid I would hurt someone's feelings. Forget I even brought that up, shit. Where's that fucking delete key again?
I'm sure I probably sound like the biggest fucking crybaby in the world, but I've been up for like 2 1/2 hours. I am out of my mind with pain. I can barely hold a cohesive thought right now and I feel like I'm going to throw up from the level of pain. It may come off as reiteration to a few of you, but the nerve disorder I have causes chronic pain 24/7/365. Obviously some days the pain is a little more tolerable, but then I have moments like these where I SWEAR I could jump off a bridge (he says this for effect, not somthing he plans to carry out on, keep the 9-1-1 calls at bay folks).
I'm still brewing about the "movie" incident last night. The more I think about it, the more hurt I become. What's that saying? The ones you love hurt you the most? Or something like that.
I thought I was having a bad day/week then I read zoomusikgrl's journal and realized that I'm never alone in my misery.
I have been contemplating condensing my friend's page to the people who actually message me and comment in my journal regularly. It is in no way a slight against anyone personally. Nobody has been rude or anything. I would just rather keep it to those of you I talk to regularly (for instance -
Mystic, Ta2dmom, Zoomusikgrl, Snakelover, SunshineAngel and SG's - Hydra, Sass, Adelaide, Adria, & Agenda). If YOUR name is not in there it A)DOES NOT MEAN that I don't like you. I would not have added you if I didn't like you. B) That I am deleting you & C) just means I WANT to hear from you more often or know what you think of my entries. Call me insecure, but I like to know how YOU are doing too!
Oh fuck, who am I kidding? I don't have the balls to delete anyone. I'm too afraid I would hurt someone's feelings. Forget I even brought that up, shit. Where's that fucking delete key again?
Sorry you're feeling so bad at the moment, but I'm sure it'll pass, and hopefully sooner rather than later! Big bisous heading your way honey!xxx
Anyway, that sux about the pain thing. I hate when people have a problem that i can't make a little better. I'll just send some warm fuzzy pain free thoughts your way
Oh and by the way the pink razor is a phone (or was that sarcastic?)
And its Cheryl