little girl in a big truck, its cute. ley jus got a durango that luckly the seat lifts. and i am buying a project without a monthly payment tattooing is gettin better. i am doing alot of the free crosses we do so its fun. sorry i havbent commented in anyones journal but lifes been busy.
peace skull
ok i am doing the free cross we tattoo on people. brandon wants me and kimi to do them. its funi do at least one a day. work is good. i want to go with ley somewhere alone for a day and a night. we need sometime alone, it would be nice. someday all my happy fluffy dreames will come true. till then i get...
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ok feel better.... somewhat skull
im kinda aggro about some punk little MF who told a lie about my girl fukin around on me, and then lied to her about saying it. I love my girl, thats the girl i want to spend the rest of my life with, i know that she would never cheat on me. so does anybody dissagree when i want to beat his ass. you...
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im learning that comunication between 2 people in a relationship takes years to really understand each other. but i hope Ley and I master the damn thing cause i cant see spending the rest of my life without her. she puts up with my shit, she should get a fukin medal for that alone. its not very often you meet someone you feel has been...
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if you cant stop and smell the roses...
then run over the bunnys! its quicker. smile

what a funny bunny, run him the fuck over if you want, i guess....... later.

[Edited on Sep 20, 2004 7:55PM]
Drugmoney is playing tonight at Vincents Ear. You should check them out. www.drugmoney.org

its sunday and labor day weekend is almost up. i go back to continue my learning about the art of tattooing. its fun and im vary glad to be going back. its been a weird weekend with good things and bad happening.ive figuired out that a dramaless world would be great and is what i would prefer but that is impossiable. as long as you...
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Nice meeting you too! I hope to get my next tattoo done by you, and I can show it off in my next photoset! smile kiss blush

P.S. I'm going to add you on here.
Nice meeting you too! I hope to get my next tattoo done by you, and I can show it off in my next photoset! smile kiss blush

P.S. I'm going to add you on here.
yes it is happening im going back to the studio,tattooing. i ve got some really close good friends backin me. so its onward and upward from here.
peace ARRR!!!
those pics are utter sillyness.. I look completely different now!!! wait till I post them. you'll see. (thanks though)
I was at the shop you were wroking at the other day.

my friend Dave was getting his cover-up..... your friend does good work,
sometimes people need to be on medication and i happen to be one of those people bad thoughts race through my mind ya need my meds surreal
lost mind ARRR!!!
Seeing somebody you know in some random unexpected place is one of the freakiest things. surreal It happened to me a couple of times in New York.