well friends i had to take off from the studio for awile. have some financial issuse to tend with and i cant attend to those while im still young and able. so im not tattooing for awile but someday tattooing will be added to the things in life i want accomplish. hopefull someday that book will be large. anyway im happy with everything in my life.my babys son had an accident, he fell of his bunkbed and cut his eyebrow and has a good size bump om his head hes a tough little man, for being 3yrs old and all, i was scared shitless when friends told me she had called and was crying on her way to the hospital i dont think i could put it in words how much i care about her and her boys, i really hav found someone this cary world that means this much means as much as she does, i seriousely believe that fate takes place cause when it does you get a fealing of security when your with that person it just feals right. but thats enough of that
peace love and sublime
peace love and sublime
Happy Birthday fellow Leonid.