Okay y'all...Renaud and I have been sitting here all night because we are so tired of cooking that we can't move. However, check out SGTX Christmas Bash! Yes...we are planning the Christmas Party already! Please let us know your feedback...
Reverend Horton Heat at Antone's July 30. WOOOOODEEFUCKINHOOOO! One of my faves indeed!
I truly enjoyed your company at my dinner party! You were all a great joy to hang out with at once. Good Peeps=Good Time!
Someone is actually gonna cook for me tomorrow night! YUMMY!
Reverend Horton Heat at Antone's July 30. WOOOOODEEFUCKINHOOOO! One of my faves indeed!

I truly enjoyed your company at my dinner party! You were all a great joy to hang out with at once. Good Peeps=Good Time!
Someone is actually gonna cook for me tomorrow night! YUMMY!

Cant wait to see you this week. I normally leave San Antonio around 7 which puts me back in austin round 8:30 so ill be free this week every night and in austin at about 8:30 each evening.
It was awesome! I'm not sure if I have plans yet in August, but If not, I'm coming back down for Rollerderby!
So I was thinking...
I think we got this wrapped up tighter than a virgin in spandex!
I forgot my boss' husband works for glazers, so I should be able to set up an account, and we can get all the beer, wine, and liquor at wholesale! I'll also track down a commercial food purveyor to buy our groceries. And I remember that my friend has a contact in Austin to rent a commercial kitchen for $20 an hour. That's pretty cheap, and having a nice big kitchen would help with making all those tamales.
I think it's good to invite SGOK, and Maybe SGLouisiana, and SGArkansas...
Course I was also thinking... we're far enough out to plan it real well... what about going totally badass with it, open it up to SG as a whole, we can rent out a venue, we got bands, if we get a venue that serves alcohol already all that's covered, maybe a ballroom at a hotel or something, and we can do food, have lots of people come, arrange with a hotel to provide a group discount to everyone coming from out of state.
the white elephant may get a little tough to manage but I think we could do it, maybe get a bartender. Sell tickets online with a paypal account link (I may do that anyways so we have the money before hand to reserve the room and buy groceries and stuff)
So lots of thoughts what do you think?