Went to Emo's lastnight to see the Horrorpops. They were great. I wished they could have played longer though. Hung out with disgustipated, Mulhollanddrive, Coffeecat, JonnyVegas, and others. Just to clarify....when someone bashes into you and doesn't say excuse me, and you reply excuse me to them...then they walk away about 15 feet and make a nasty face and a hand gesture...I don't know about you but "BRING IT ON BITCH"... Then I find out that this chick is friends with people I know. She was an asshole! and a C**T. Why wouldn't I want to kick her ass?
Disgustipated knows what I am talking about. Quite soon after that we went to Headhunters which put me in a much better mood. Hung out with my Rollerderby peeps and then went and had a bite to eat at Magnolia Cafe. Sorry Mulhollanddrive that I didn't say goodbye, but you were talking the bitch that slammed into me and I didn't want to start trouble. She was a friend of Ms. K's. Just for the record...she was rude!
Today is a rollerderby day. Holly Rollers vs. Rhinestone Cowgirls. Should be a good bout. Busy, Busy, Busy....much to do now.

Today is a rollerderby day. Holly Rollers vs. Rhinestone Cowgirls. Should be a good bout. Busy, Busy, Busy....much to do now.

I am excited to meet all youze guyz next week. roll on Thursday. I'll be checking my email for your address etc. And thanx again in advance for letting me stay over.