So...yes it is Monday. I have a million things to do.
Zephyra is coming to visit this Friday and we are going to Houston for the Tattoo Convention.
Missd and Renaud are coming to visit on June 25th and Renaud and I are cooking an Indian food buffet. I am thinking it would be easier for Renaud and I to buy the food and everyone else can BYOB and make a small donation for the cost of the food. If any of you have specific dietary needs, please let me know! I posted on SGTX the details. BUT, I will send y'all emails with the details. Other than that...there is nothing to tell.
Zephyra is coming to visit this Friday and we are going to Houston for the Tattoo Convention.
Missd and Renaud are coming to visit on June 25th and Renaud and I are cooking an Indian food buffet. I am thinking it would be easier for Renaud and I to buy the food and everyone else can BYOB and make a small donation for the cost of the food. If any of you have specific dietary needs, please let me know! I posted on SGTX the details. BUT, I will send y'all emails with the details. Other than that...there is nothing to tell.

I got in late last night, so I'll give you a call sometime this evening. I have an appointment with ymonster at 2pm on Saturday...I was supposed to call him this weekend to discuss my tattoo, but my phone didn't work where I was in Wisconsin. I need to call him this evening, but I'll call you afterwards!