On my way to TXRD practice with Lunatic from the Hellcat's.
So all you SGTX get to vote on my Roller Derby Name.
Here are the choices
Dolly Detroit
Detroit Diesel
Tattoodolly (too nice)
Dolly Dashboard
Lucky Lady (too nice)
Double Trouble
48 Special
Venus Flytrap
Queen of Hearts
My choice I think is Dolly Detroit or Double Trouble.
I'll let you know the outcome. Next is to learn how to roller skate. I know how to fight already and fall too!
My number will be 15 or 1961 (has to do with my birthday numbers)
Out to dinner with Lunatic after practice. Tomorrow I have a 3 job interviews and I am helping JACX move into her new apartment.
Slept most of the day...needed the rest...I actually feel a little more laid back now that I have lived here for a week.
By the way...If you email me...please identify yourself...It is rather annoying to get email from people who I don't know. You should just post on my journal!!!!
So all you SGTX get to vote on my Roller Derby Name.
Here are the choices
Dolly Detroit
Detroit Diesel
Tattoodolly (too nice)
Dolly Dashboard
Lucky Lady (too nice)
Double Trouble
48 Special
Venus Flytrap
Queen of Hearts
My choice I think is Dolly Detroit or Double Trouble.

I'll let you know the outcome. Next is to learn how to roller skate. I know how to fight already and fall too!

My number will be 15 or 1961 (has to do with my birthday numbers)
Out to dinner with Lunatic after practice. Tomorrow I have a 3 job interviews and I am helping JACX move into her new apartment.
Slept most of the day...needed the rest...I actually feel a little more laid back now that I have lived here for a week.
By the way...If you email me...please identify yourself...It is rather annoying to get email from people who I don't know. You should just post on my journal!!!!

sooo email me back already the 4-1-1
as for a name: how about diesel dolly!
i was on a speed skating team a long time ago, and i can fight with the best of em... if i were in austin i'd wanna roller derby too. anything to be around those satan's cheerleaders!