Everything of mine got stolen. Im using my parents computer. I could'nt sleep last night. I don't know what it was i never felt anything like it before. Sometimes life is what you make it for better or for worse hopefully for the better. With something like this i don't see the point in re obtaining my things im doing just as good without all the electronic nick nacks if not better as i am spending more time enjoying the great outdoors and cooking up other kind of inventions besides making them on the comp. Paintings drawing ect give a more real life feel then a screen. I realized we loose alot of touch with more beautiful things when all we do is obtain material belongings and evolve our life around that. hidden money that is never spent is harder to steal then any other belonging one of the lessons i learned from this. Alot of the times when things go wrong we are just steeling from ourselves if anyone can understand this great. Its almost like saying love your enemy as yourself. You yourself are the one taking part in creating a worse enemy if you feelings turn to hate. there should'nt be one (enemy) but alot of times some people just suck
God Bless you!!! And may all good things come to you!!!