DON"T READ THIS UNLESS YOU WANT TO KNOW HOW MUCH MY LIFE SUCKS! I am depressed today.Bone graphting sucks doctor said it could take another 3 months i dunno wtf im going to do. Im bored and sad. I cannot do the stuff i normaly dO Im having bad thoughts run through my head and it sucks. I have been stuck at home and the only time i have thats close to fun is on this computer. I WISH time would just melt away cause it sucks right now and i can't help think i need drugs or something to pass the time. I quit drugs and drinking a long tiime ago but i feel like starting again just for something to pass the time. Now i have temptation on top of my shitty feelings.The only solid thing to make love to right now is this guitar and i can't even play it. Fucking cast! Untill then i quess i will be looking like this. Melt damnit melt!

And I would write stuff about the snow melting but I can't because the snow is falling here. Falling and falling. Although, its that nice warm wet snow that is fun to walk in and catch your tongue... I like the snow when its like this and I don't have to drive in it. MMM bring on the hot chocolate and marshmellows!
Feel better soon!