Last night I took part in an initiation ritual and I am pleased to announce that I am officially enrolled in the Norfolk School of Witchcraft and Wizardry! How Harry Potter am I?
I have my first paper to complete by mid March, yay!
Oh I am also looking for feathers - real or faux for a fae art exhibition - it's part of my course where we create images of faeries, so if you find any when you're out and about please keep them for me, then when you have a few let me know and i'll send you some SAE's!
Ta guys
I have my first paper to complete by mid March, yay!
Oh I am also looking for feathers - real or faux for a fae art exhibition - it's part of my course where we create images of faeries, so if you find any when you're out and about please keep them for me, then when you have a few let me know and i'll send you some SAE's!
Ta guys
When you join the Norfolk School of Witchcraft you have to complete papers?

yes to completing papers - my first one has to be in by march 21st and i think levitation is lesson 15 along with fireballs!