Exciting freebies first - if you would like to receive a yummy graze box full of yummy and healthy treats absolutely free then go here Graze and put in this code - MC4F39Q. You will have to put in your bank details (I thought I'd let you know cause it tends to put people off) BUT if you don't want anything to do with Graze after you've had your freebie then they won't charge you. Not a penny. So enjoy, this week i had the yummiest pineapple ever, dried strawberrys with white chocolate buttons and sugar coated pecans, cashews and almonds. heaven!
So whats new?
I have been diagnosed with a severe hazelnut allergy after eatting 5 or 6 big whole ones and then having my throat swell up. I have now got 2 epipens to use if I accidentally eat them again. I also have mild allergies to coconut and peanuts, but not enough for me to stop eating them. apparently I've grown ammune to those but not hazelnuts - weird hey?
I work for a charity and it's fun, except I am sooooo busy and some of the people here are arseholes. You sit back and listen to them and think how in the hell did you manage to get a job here? your attitude stinks. So if you guys ever want to do something for a charity or if you want a collection box then please look me up!! I will give you hugs and possibly jellybeans in return!
Also I seem to have gotten myself a female bff. This is a bit weird because I've never had a bff before well not a girl one anyway - the Pickle is my male bff. When I was at school all the other girls in my group had best friends and i was always a bit jealous, like I was part of a group but actually a loner - does that make sense? Anyway so I have this new bff and she is the funniest, nicest person eva, except she's a bit crazy - not in a good crazy way. She's got a daughter and she's living with a guy who isn't the baby daddy, and they seem to get on ok, but then she comes in and tells me that she's going to leave him, they've had massive rows etc etc. When she first started telling me this I was like OMG bastard - like you do when you're comforting a mate, but over xmas it just got a bit much. I'd tell her that she really needed to think about her options and if she wasn't happy then to move on. Her life isn't just her own any more she has a little girl to think of as well and living in a negative atmosphere doesn't do anyone any good.
Anyway so i told her this and then she started texting me about how she hated xmas, I was annoyed at this point and so i pointed out that a lot of other people were waaaay worse off than her etc etc and since then she's sort of backed down abit. But I so can't deal with someone being so negative.I'm dealing with my own demons and I'm trying to come off my anti-d's and i just can't be dealing with it.
i know this is the simplest terms ever and you'll probably read this and think well there could be more too it, but to me if you are not happy in a relationship you either try and make it work or you don't. If you don't then move on, if you do and it gets better then yay, if you try to make it work but it doesn't then move on. Don't keep fretting about it and make yourself sick. She's already had one mini suicide attempt - i say mini cause she took loads of painkillers then realised what she'd done and drank tons of water and wouldn't let herself go back to sleep and I made her go to the doctors.
But surely if a partner makes you feel like you need to top yourself then the relationship isn't healthy?
We're getting on better now and thats good, but whenever we start laughing at work I feel like my concentration has gone and i'm annoying other people. oh well
So i'm also starting a "secret" course where i *think* I'm learning about wicca. i've v lucky because the people who run this class invite people to join rather than letting it be a widely known thing. Pickle thinks I've joined a religious cult *hey baby*, hehe but I haven't! I've got to make my robe tonight and my initiation is on Tuesday! yippee.
Other news:
- Pickle and I are still together and still very much in love
- My cat has a tumour on her leg and the vet told me she'd have to be put down, but she's still eating, drink, pooping and being happy, so until she lets me know that she's not happy any more I'm not taking her back to the vets.
- I'm drawing again so i have a creative outlet
- I have a communual snack drawer in my desk
- I'm overweight and not overly happy about it - could be because of the point above
- I've finished my AAT project - 4000 words of stuff that no-one will ever read again
And finally alas how I have missed blogging
So whats new?
I have been diagnosed with a severe hazelnut allergy after eatting 5 or 6 big whole ones and then having my throat swell up. I have now got 2 epipens to use if I accidentally eat them again. I also have mild allergies to coconut and peanuts, but not enough for me to stop eating them. apparently I've grown ammune to those but not hazelnuts - weird hey?
I work for a charity and it's fun, except I am sooooo busy and some of the people here are arseholes. You sit back and listen to them and think how in the hell did you manage to get a job here? your attitude stinks. So if you guys ever want to do something for a charity or if you want a collection box then please look me up!! I will give you hugs and possibly jellybeans in return!
Also I seem to have gotten myself a female bff. This is a bit weird because I've never had a bff before well not a girl one anyway - the Pickle is my male bff. When I was at school all the other girls in my group had best friends and i was always a bit jealous, like I was part of a group but actually a loner - does that make sense? Anyway so I have this new bff and she is the funniest, nicest person eva, except she's a bit crazy - not in a good crazy way. She's got a daughter and she's living with a guy who isn't the baby daddy, and they seem to get on ok, but then she comes in and tells me that she's going to leave him, they've had massive rows etc etc. When she first started telling me this I was like OMG bastard - like you do when you're comforting a mate, but over xmas it just got a bit much. I'd tell her that she really needed to think about her options and if she wasn't happy then to move on. Her life isn't just her own any more she has a little girl to think of as well and living in a negative atmosphere doesn't do anyone any good.
Anyway so i told her this and then she started texting me about how she hated xmas, I was annoyed at this point and so i pointed out that a lot of other people were waaaay worse off than her etc etc and since then she's sort of backed down abit. But I so can't deal with someone being so negative.I'm dealing with my own demons and I'm trying to come off my anti-d's and i just can't be dealing with it.
i know this is the simplest terms ever and you'll probably read this and think well there could be more too it, but to me if you are not happy in a relationship you either try and make it work or you don't. If you don't then move on, if you do and it gets better then yay, if you try to make it work but it doesn't then move on. Don't keep fretting about it and make yourself sick. She's already had one mini suicide attempt - i say mini cause she took loads of painkillers then realised what she'd done and drank tons of water and wouldn't let herself go back to sleep and I made her go to the doctors.
But surely if a partner makes you feel like you need to top yourself then the relationship isn't healthy?
We're getting on better now and thats good, but whenever we start laughing at work I feel like my concentration has gone and i'm annoying other people. oh well

So i'm also starting a "secret" course where i *think* I'm learning about wicca. i've v lucky because the people who run this class invite people to join rather than letting it be a widely known thing. Pickle thinks I've joined a religious cult *hey baby*, hehe but I haven't! I've got to make my robe tonight and my initiation is on Tuesday! yippee.
Other news:
- Pickle and I are still together and still very much in love
- My cat has a tumour on her leg and the vet told me she'd have to be put down, but she's still eating, drink, pooping and being happy, so until she lets me know that she's not happy any more I'm not taking her back to the vets.
- I'm drawing again so i have a creative outlet
- I have a communual snack drawer in my desk
- I'm overweight and not overly happy about it - could be because of the point above

- I've finished my AAT project - 4000 words of stuff that no-one will ever read again
And finally alas how I have missed blogging

Like the idea of a communual snack draw in your desk
And the wicca club sounds like fun, Ive always wanted to make baskets and things, could come in usefull for chrissy pressies