A few things that I've done recently:
*I had cheese on toast for tea last night - with brown sauce!
*Went to Macro and spent most of my time looking at the huge bottle of JD that was at least 2 foot tall and giggling down the sweet aisle.
*Watched 21
*I am reading Accidentally Dead by Dakota Cassidy - what a gorgeous name!
*I am currently eating a pop tart at work for brekky and I just had to remake my cuppa tea after I was string at the original one and thought cool patterns on the top, oh hang on nope thats sour milk, ah crap!!
*My sister and I are still sorting out the book shop, we're getting there slowly.
*My Slipknot tshirts finally arrived yay!
that is all lol!
*I had cheese on toast for tea last night - with brown sauce!
*Went to Macro and spent most of my time looking at the huge bottle of JD that was at least 2 foot tall and giggling down the sweet aisle.
*Watched 21
*I am reading Accidentally Dead by Dakota Cassidy - what a gorgeous name!
*I am currently eating a pop tart at work for brekky and I just had to remake my cuppa tea after I was string at the original one and thought cool patterns on the top, oh hang on nope thats sour milk, ah crap!!
*My sister and I are still sorting out the book shop, we're getting there slowly.
*My Slipknot tshirts finally arrived yay!

macro is well good....all the sweets!