Everyone has their morning routines, on days like today when pete takes me into work, my alarm goes off, he pops to the loo, come back and then I shower etc etc. Anyway this morning my alarm goes off, he pops into the bathroom and he's in there for an age and then i can hear splashes of water, so i get up to see what going on and he's leaning over the bath throwing water down the plughole, i tip my head to one side and look at him in what i think is a curious but tired face and he turns to see me and just say "spider"!
Ah bless him he knew that I'd totally freak out about the spider being in the bath so he got rid of it for me, I love this man so much! All hail Pete the great spider getter-ridder-of-er!
Another bathroom story from this morning - i was showering and I suddenly felt something cold on my face and I'm thinking shit where is this cold water coming from? The water on my back is hot, but on my face its cold, huh. So I wipe away the coldness and it turns out I'm having a nosebleed. Now why is my blood cold??? Pete (the voice of reason as well as the spider getter-ridder-of-er) tells me its because the water was hot and so my blood wasn't cold it just felt cold compared to the rest of my skin etc. This makes sense, but I've had A LOT of nosebleeds in the shower and NONE of them have made me think that i have something cold on my face. Weird?!
College last night was ok, the first night is always a bit weird because you know you're going to have to do work, but its stuff you don't know anything about and as my tutor is a text book teacher she skim reads a paragraph and I find it really annoying because I need to read the full paragraph to understand it totally.
So this term we're doing personal tax and so far I've found out that if you get paid mileage from your employer if its less than 40p you can claim the difference. You can also claim mileage for bikes - pedal ones! But you can only claim mileage for places you have to go for work, not from home to work or work to home.
Anyway so with me at college I don't talk to anyone, I'm genuinely a shy person and people so take it that I'm snobby or cold or arrogant. I've been like this in all my courses from the basic book-keeping to the aat and it works for me. I'm all for long discussions about stuff, but not accounts, it cannot be changed by discussing it, its logical and its not like in the middle of an exam you can turn to your mate in the next row and start discussing ideas for a question.
I do miss not having any mates and I'm envious when the little groups sneak off and have a coffee and a chat, but to be honest i'm not there to socialise and my boss is paying for me to study and so if I fail I've kind failed the company and I'll have to pay for the retakes.
I'm not sure why I'm writing this, I guess its to get it out into the universe so hopefully the newbies to my class won't be weirded out by me when I walk into the class room and listen to my mp3 player until the class starts. I guess I want to pass and failing really isn't an option, hmm that sounds to severe but you know what I mean.
And finally last night I was laying in bed letting my mind wander and it went from making those bottle fire bomb things to setting fire to the hotel to setting fire to a car park to getting a lighter and aerosol can and seeing how long it took to make the paint bubble on the side of a car to setting fire to a zombie. So my final thought for today is:
If you set fire to a zombies head, would they feel the pain, would their mind react and try and put themselves out because its logical and thats what they would've done if they were alive or are they totally dead and they'd keep chasing you until their brain was destroyed?
Ah bless him he knew that I'd totally freak out about the spider being in the bath so he got rid of it for me, I love this man so much! All hail Pete the great spider getter-ridder-of-er!
Another bathroom story from this morning - i was showering and I suddenly felt something cold on my face and I'm thinking shit where is this cold water coming from? The water on my back is hot, but on my face its cold, huh. So I wipe away the coldness and it turns out I'm having a nosebleed. Now why is my blood cold??? Pete (the voice of reason as well as the spider getter-ridder-of-er) tells me its because the water was hot and so my blood wasn't cold it just felt cold compared to the rest of my skin etc. This makes sense, but I've had A LOT of nosebleeds in the shower and NONE of them have made me think that i have something cold on my face. Weird?!
College last night was ok, the first night is always a bit weird because you know you're going to have to do work, but its stuff you don't know anything about and as my tutor is a text book teacher she skim reads a paragraph and I find it really annoying because I need to read the full paragraph to understand it totally.
So this term we're doing personal tax and so far I've found out that if you get paid mileage from your employer if its less than 40p you can claim the difference. You can also claim mileage for bikes - pedal ones! But you can only claim mileage for places you have to go for work, not from home to work or work to home.
Anyway so with me at college I don't talk to anyone, I'm genuinely a shy person and people so take it that I'm snobby or cold or arrogant. I've been like this in all my courses from the basic book-keeping to the aat and it works for me. I'm all for long discussions about stuff, but not accounts, it cannot be changed by discussing it, its logical and its not like in the middle of an exam you can turn to your mate in the next row and start discussing ideas for a question.
I do miss not having any mates and I'm envious when the little groups sneak off and have a coffee and a chat, but to be honest i'm not there to socialise and my boss is paying for me to study and so if I fail I've kind failed the company and I'll have to pay for the retakes.
I'm not sure why I'm writing this, I guess its to get it out into the universe so hopefully the newbies to my class won't be weirded out by me when I walk into the class room and listen to my mp3 player until the class starts. I guess I want to pass and failing really isn't an option, hmm that sounds to severe but you know what I mean.
And finally last night I was laying in bed letting my mind wander and it went from making those bottle fire bomb things to setting fire to the hotel to setting fire to a car park to getting a lighter and aerosol can and seeing how long it took to make the paint bubble on the side of a car to setting fire to a zombie. So my final thought for today is:
If you set fire to a zombies head, would they feel the pain, would their mind react and try and put themselves out because its logical and thats what they would've done if they were alive or are they totally dead and they'd keep chasing you until their brain was destroyed?
So Im gonna go with "or you could be a vampire"
Dont over analize things/people, just be you and things will fall into place. And don't automaticly think people will think your snobby, cold or arrogant just because you are shy, they may just think your shy too.
I think your lovely and please can I borrow Pete to get rid of our spiders
hahaha great question!!!