This week I will mainly be of a nervous disposition!
Yay heroes starts again this Thursday!
I'm going to have a moan about Facebook
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
I signed up to Facebook a couple of weeks ago so i could see some pics of a work mates baby. As soon as I signed up there were people asking to be mates with me who I went to school with. These are people who I cut off 3 years ago because their influence was unhealthy for me.
Anyway at the hotel EVERYONE is on facebook, so they all talk to each other about work when there away from work. It seems a bit sad to me, however I started to look and see who was about and I saw a bunch of photos of them all out clubbing, then I started to feel really depressed and left out.
WHY do i feel like this though, why do I all of a sudden need to be accepted? I love it here because ppl don't know me but they accept me, and at work I don't give a shit what people think of me - good or bad. Why now? grr why did I go on fucking FB? screw it I'm not going on there any more, its not even like I want to go out with them. I'm so over getting drunk to the point of not knowing where or who I am.
Right never mind SG rocks, FB sucks, the end!
You don't need face book
Hope your havin a good day