Well... i have a cold. My head aches. My troath hurts. My eyes are red. I'm becoming deaf. And, worst of all, my septum piercing is a little bit infected because of my full nose.
That sucks bigtime, caus it was almost fine and i could buy another one. So, now i have to wait for another week or so. Bummer.
My boyfriend is still working his fine as off, he comes home at 03.00 and has to go to work again at 07.00, this has been going on for the past 2 weeks now. It would be nice if he'd have a whole day off for once, without having to work the night. Just 24 hours of chilling. I hope he will soon, because i'm scared that sooner or later he will fall asleep at the wheel and crash...
But, there are good things to look forward to also:
Upcoming friday and saturday Harbour 81 gigs.
The 4th of october Hell on Earth in Bibelot, Dordrecht.
The 15th of november Full Blown Chaos and First Blood in Heerlen.
And some nice birthdays inbetween.
I always really like the summer, but when autumn and winter arrive i always get this 'cuddly' feeling; i want to make it nice and cosy at home, light some candles and watch movies on the couch under a blanket with my man.
Unfortunately that cuddly feeling also involves food. A lot of it. Chocolate, cookies, pudding. All combined with tea with lots of sugar, or even better, some hot choco with extra sugar added.
I really hope the urge to fit in to my wedding dress will win from the urge to eat too much bad shit this winter.
I'll try to be a strong woman!

My boyfriend is still working his fine as off, he comes home at 03.00 and has to go to work again at 07.00, this has been going on for the past 2 weeks now. It would be nice if he'd have a whole day off for once, without having to work the night. Just 24 hours of chilling. I hope he will soon, because i'm scared that sooner or later he will fall asleep at the wheel and crash...
But, there are good things to look forward to also:
Upcoming friday and saturday Harbour 81 gigs.
The 4th of october Hell on Earth in Bibelot, Dordrecht.
The 15th of november Full Blown Chaos and First Blood in Heerlen.
And some nice birthdays inbetween.
I always really like the summer, but when autumn and winter arrive i always get this 'cuddly' feeling; i want to make it nice and cosy at home, light some candles and watch movies on the couch under a blanket with my man.
Unfortunately that cuddly feeling also involves food. A lot of it. Chocolate, cookies, pudding. All combined with tea with lots of sugar, or even better, some hot choco with extra sugar added.
I really hope the urge to fit in to my wedding dress will win from the urge to eat too much bad shit this winter.
I'll try to be a strong woman!
Een kennis van me heeft zijn vriendinnetje bij SOIA op het podium ten huwelijk gevraagd, en ik hoop ooit nog zoiets mee te maken, fucking tof.
OH & fuck yeah 4 oktober, ik heb er zin innn.