I've just worked out how to post pictures on this site, (I know, how dumb am I?), so i'm gonna put this one of me and my older dog Tyson on here.
Yesterday i had to go to a shooting range to do a rifle firing test. It was quite a good laugh, although it's very hard to shoot accurately with a gas mask on. I passed the test in the end and celebrated with a couple of quiet beers...and then a lot of loud ones! Man does my head hurt today.
I really should go to the gym today but i really can't be arsed. I will motivate myself one day, just not today.
You need to do something about that - ariplane techs make about 85 - 150US here... in the commercial sector.
they fecking love brits here too..... but what you should do... is get a degree and go into management - RAF, HAnds On, MBA... shit... you can run an airline or parts company.