Well, I am now just getting over having pnumonea. It sucks. It put me on my ass for about a week. I am still coughing up shit, but i can't miss any more work. Have to be able to afford the boarding trip to Colorado at the end of the month. Oh shit, and it's my Bday on the 15th of this month. Hopefully I will get a little cash. I am dying to get back in the tattoo chair and get some ink. I was going pretty religiously almost ever week or two, but I havent in a few weeks. I have a few free hours left for doing some remodeling work in Jeremiah's shop. Well Hell, I have to go feed my zoo. Late
it is april, which means your birthday has come and gone...hope it was good and you didn't have to pay for your own prostitute! xox
dude that neck tattoo is fucking impressive