I did alot of stuff today

It actually wasn't so boring

So I started off my day with crocheting my new project:

It's a really ackward picture of my hand

Then I had fun fucking around with my camera

Then we went out to some casino to rock the day out

But first, we had to stop at Starbucks

Then, even though it is fucking freezing out side and this is probably not safe for the most part, we went to the beach

*Blurry Picture


*Baby Duckie

And then, you would not believe it. I mean seriously, you will not fucking believe this, we saw the Loch Ness Monster!!!!

*This is actually a photo my boyfriend took for comedy purposes, in black and white, of an American Coot. Which is a type of duck.
And then we stumbled apon a fountain.

-See my sexy foot

-I had to fix my shoe ok!

Then we had sushi, again, yes.
But even better, we have now become status of "Regulars". They actually remembered our order and didn't even have to give us a menu

Then we went back to the beach and it was dark and scary so we didn't stay there very long (only 10 minutes)

Then we hit up ol'micky d's for some milkshakes and mcflurry's

-Mhmmm oreo's

Then we went to the casino's arcade and we played many games: tried to win a stuffed dog out of a claw machine, some other games... HOUSE OF THE DEAD (which we totally owned at). Oh, we also played air-hockey, and I kicked Erick's ass twice. He beat me once

Then we stumbled apon this. And you should not try this, my fat ass almost broke it.

Then we went home, and now here I am posting a blog

Night Night

i'm just learning to weave baskets, but my first attempt is kicking some ass so far. it's looking like i wanted it to...which is really odd for you first time. perhaps i chose good materials to start with.
i'm pretty crafty in general but it's mostly aimed at useful survival skills. thus the spinning and knitting for clothing, the basket weaving for cooking baskets, gathering baskets and more clothing- the various coastal tribes wove basketry ponchos and hats to keep the rain off. i'm also kinda into tinkering with my motorcycle but i think that's a pretty normal obsession with men.
what are your other hobbies?