Good Morning everyone
So I called my boyfriend extra extra early this morning to come over. He will be here in like 30 to 40 minutes. He lives kind of far away from me. Well anyways, I figured since I have to wake up this fucking early, so does he. Just kidding, thats just mean. But I did wake him up, but he wanted me to. And to ask him to come over before I go to work is like giving a steak to a dog
That bitch is crazy but I love him. There is nothing interested to talk about still. I'm broke because of the holidays, I work all the time, the rest of the time I spend with my boyfriend, and if I'm lucky I'll get 5 hours of sleep every night. Oh and lets not forget my chrocheting projects I'm trying to work on
last night I had to take my 16 hours of work apart. I messed up to many times that I just didn't want to have a project that was so flawed. But I am so new at this so how could you blame me, I'm no master yet
Anyways this is all just boring non-sense because I have nothing exciting. O just wait till I get my digital camera though. This will get interesting then.

I love this Ice Cream, when I'm having a bad day it takes all the emo out of me.
Well Good Bye Loves, See you tomorrow, which is my lovely day off! Bye

I love this Ice Cream, when I'm having a bad day it takes all the emo out of me.

Well Good Bye Loves, See you tomorrow, which is my lovely day off! Bye

thanks fors the add ^^