EWWW! I hate doing this... it's no wonder i keep putting it off.
reformatting is always a bitch - in one way or another.
and backing shit up isnt much better, really.
also, it means i may be out of a computer for a few days or longer...
and, errr... my pink laptop is the key to everything; no one would ever really get a hold of me w/o it...
anyways. I'm cleaning shit up and backing up pics; on my port. drive and on here
didnt get called in today. ::shrug:: mondays are slow.
today's been slow. I think i have a cold. I feel aweful. It's really all in my throat; I feel like my asthma got real bad, real fast and then I ended up with "this" - ::hack hack hack:: it's terribly attractive!
anyways, i'm throwing out like half of the shit in my kitchen in lieu of the results of my allergy thingy; anyone want anything? I hate wasting it... I'm tempted to post something in craigs list or leave little notes on my neighbors doors - its all new - never been opened!!! :;wink wink wink::
i kid, i kid...
i feel very unproductive today - i think it's cause i feel so icky...
happy monday sg.
::hack hack::
who's twittering???!!!
reformatting is always a bitch - in one way or another.
and backing shit up isnt much better, really.
also, it means i may be out of a computer for a few days or longer...
and, errr... my pink laptop is the key to everything; no one would ever really get a hold of me w/o it...
anyways. I'm cleaning shit up and backing up pics; on my port. drive and on here

didnt get called in today. ::shrug:: mondays are slow.
today's been slow. I think i have a cold. I feel aweful. It's really all in my throat; I feel like my asthma got real bad, real fast and then I ended up with "this" - ::hack hack hack:: it's terribly attractive!

anyways, i'm throwing out like half of the shit in my kitchen in lieu of the results of my allergy thingy; anyone want anything? I hate wasting it... I'm tempted to post something in craigs list or leave little notes on my neighbors doors - its all new - never been opened!!! :;wink wink wink::
i kid, i kid...
i feel very unproductive today - i think it's cause i feel so icky...
happy monday sg.
::hack hack::
who's twittering???!!!
im on my laptop now i wish i could back up my hard drive
ughh i hate allergies..well thanks for the add sweetie,hope you get to feeling better 2.