there's just no plsing anyone. basically.
but who's perfect? - that's my question.
n e ways. that's really null and void.
i dunno where i was going with that shit.
(i do read all ur comments, btw
everything seems like such a waste of time.
I am frustrated.
I feel like i've been sick for so long in one way or another. I found out bout two days ago that i have severe allergies to like 20 common foods that i was eating all the time, and all my life...
i've learned a lot about how different allergies cause the body to react in different ways... needless to say, it's been like i've been poisoning my body for a long time; everything is so terribly connected - to my fibromyalgia, hypoglycemia, everything...
it should be good news.
ironic, but good.
maybe not eating the plethera of foods and stuff that i am allergic too will make everything else go away?
GOD, GOD, GOD, GOD, i hope so.
sigh; seriously tho this is the list: soybeans, milk, eggs, peanuts, cashews, almonds, oranges, crab, lobster, pinto beans, green peas, chicken, turkey, rice, corn, strawberries. (and before being vegan, I ate everything on that fucking list - for years; i grew up on quarts of chocolate milk, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and oranges...)
well shit! - being vegan I lived off of soymilk, tofu, soy products, various nuts (almonds and cashews being my favorite), pinto beans, green peans, rice, corn and misc rice and corn products, and strawberries of course!
no wonder i never felt right... if i wasnt weazing, having an asthma attack, a panic attack or experiencing bouts of my hypoglycemia crap, i was experiencing the fibro bs or just feeling ill in gen...
did i mention i'm still not allowed to do carbs - cause of the hypoglycemia thing?
what food does that leave me, exactly? serisouly. if anyone has any suggestions, i'm so in dire need of them.
i have a hard enough time going to the fucking grocery store... now no soy products or things with soybean oil (which is everything), no oranges or strawberries
or juice with them in it, nothing with corn or rice in it... no bean burritos at most places... and even then - the flour tortillas...
today sucks.
I was weazing during mom's whole dinner. i felt aweful. she feels bad about finding out that i had so many severe allergies - who woulda known tho? - there were plenty of other reasons... no one ever thought to do a test - they are not "common" and are expensive... also, its hard to rerally determine an allergy because of the mixes of food we eat you know... it was hard to find a pattern to make sense of things.
i do know tho that my adrenal glands are not in good shape. i'm doing more tests for more stuff, but i wont know for a while what that means - probably that ill be even more limited in what i can eat.
but hey - i'm skeptical, but i hope that removing these foods that i can eat will in turn make everything else better.
i sent some of the prom pics to twitter -
i gtg thru my storage closet and throw the "bad" shit out now.
this is gonna cause a worse aversion to food, i can see it now...
but who's perfect? - that's my question.
n e ways. that's really null and void.

i dunno where i was going with that shit.
(i do read all ur comments, btw

everything seems like such a waste of time.
I am frustrated.
I feel like i've been sick for so long in one way or another. I found out bout two days ago that i have severe allergies to like 20 common foods that i was eating all the time, and all my life...
i've learned a lot about how different allergies cause the body to react in different ways... needless to say, it's been like i've been poisoning my body for a long time; everything is so terribly connected - to my fibromyalgia, hypoglycemia, everything...
it should be good news.
ironic, but good.
maybe not eating the plethera of foods and stuff that i am allergic too will make everything else go away?
GOD, GOD, GOD, GOD, i hope so.
sigh; seriously tho this is the list: soybeans, milk, eggs, peanuts, cashews, almonds, oranges, crab, lobster, pinto beans, green peas, chicken, turkey, rice, corn, strawberries. (and before being vegan, I ate everything on that fucking list - for years; i grew up on quarts of chocolate milk, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and oranges...)
well shit! - being vegan I lived off of soymilk, tofu, soy products, various nuts (almonds and cashews being my favorite), pinto beans, green peans, rice, corn and misc rice and corn products, and strawberries of course!
no wonder i never felt right... if i wasnt weazing, having an asthma attack, a panic attack or experiencing bouts of my hypoglycemia crap, i was experiencing the fibro bs or just feeling ill in gen...
did i mention i'm still not allowed to do carbs - cause of the hypoglycemia thing?
what food does that leave me, exactly? serisouly. if anyone has any suggestions, i'm so in dire need of them.
i have a hard enough time going to the fucking grocery store... now no soy products or things with soybean oil (which is everything), no oranges or strawberries

today sucks.
I was weazing during mom's whole dinner. i felt aweful. she feels bad about finding out that i had so many severe allergies - who woulda known tho? - there were plenty of other reasons... no one ever thought to do a test - they are not "common" and are expensive... also, its hard to rerally determine an allergy because of the mixes of food we eat you know... it was hard to find a pattern to make sense of things.
i do know tho that my adrenal glands are not in good shape. i'm doing more tests for more stuff, but i wont know for a while what that means - probably that ill be even more limited in what i can eat.
but hey - i'm skeptical, but i hope that removing these foods that i can eat will in turn make everything else better.
i sent some of the prom pics to twitter -
i gtg thru my storage closet and throw the "bad" shit out now.
this is gonna cause a worse aversion to food, i can see it now...

my roommate is allergic to gluten which is like in everything.... when he cut it out of his diet, he looked and felt sooo much healthier and better
Oh honey I don't know about other people ..and why they are so mean and hateful..But I my dear adore you..and want nothing but good for you!! I am sorry to hear about your allergies ..I just said that to my boss the other day ..that I don't want to get tested cause I am sure they will tell me that I have been killing myself slowly..which is probably exactly what my true plan is anyway!!