so someone at work is trying to get me in trouble cause i am a suicidegirl and am naked on the internet.
how does that interfere with the way I conduct myself at work and do my job?
remember who was voted no. one friendliest cashier? for THREE strait months? (record, right?)
c'est moi, bitches!
(not that it fucking matters, really)...
but come on... aside from my missing some days (all of which are doc excused)... you got nothing on me.
I am a saint.
i set my fucking watch for breaks...
i know BOTH systems on the fe...
really tho... I KNOW you can read this shit. and i hope you do.
god knows i wouldn't waste my time at work dealing with this lame shit, but i'm begining to hear from ppl OUTSIDE of work now, and I am not a happy camper...
go ahead - share pics... talk shit.
I am nude and online.
look. basically. i know who you are...
i know you read my posts and i know you've been shooting pics and sending em out...
...and for what?
have you nothing better to do?
how can you "smear" my "name" at work, when there is nothing to smear?
ppl like me at work. I have no issues with anyone (except maybe for a boy... ha!
) and even then...
my tattoos insult you huh? i am on a "porn site"? my work is a christian est and how dare they even hire me? - THAT, actually - for the record is INCORRECT and even if it was; judging a person's capabilities and/or QUALITIES on their body art is just ridiculous and completely bias... religiously established or not. really, if you wanna play this game, bring it up a notch - really.
this is mediocre and a waste of time; i dont wanna hear it anymore.
EVERYONE knows i am involved with SG (at work)... and no body gives a flying fuck except you (and ur wife)...
::cough cough::
ur the one looking at nudy pics, you know...
isnt ur wife going to have a baby?
I was raised Roman Catholic; ur breaking quite a few of the commandments.
christian jack ass.
(or are you baptist?)
either way. i dont give a fuck.
karma's a bitch? Didn't Jesus tell you?
"God is a vengeful God...."
i think i got a useful pic for you, btw

i just think that you hate the fact that i am a good person and look the way i do and do the things i do... but just cause u dont get it, dont like or dont appreciate it doesn't mean that it's wrong.
...but really. i'm one of the smallest ppl in that damn store, are you really intimidated by me that you cant say this shit to my face?
...or is it that ur just a fucking pussy?
u got an issue with me...
...just SAY IT TO MY FACE!
today i my fucking day off and i get text msgs about some jackass (from another store, no less) talking mad shit and sending pics of me out to ppl at my store... trying to stir shit up... ???

anyways, i did another tattoo the other day:

(its a peony)
I also managed to bang up my hand pretty good:

(it's totally fucking swollen and bruised, if you cant tell - - this is MY karma for JUST THINKING about beatin on someone... heh)
I also managed to FINALLY finish the design for the remainder of my side tattoo:
(this is gonna go under my "eye of Ra" with the fire and flowers and shit...)
it's been fun, as always...
this damn front page/website change thing is growing on me, btw... i'm digging it...
nice job, staff.
how does that interfere with the way I conduct myself at work and do my job?
remember who was voted no. one friendliest cashier? for THREE strait months? (record, right?)
c'est moi, bitches!
(not that it fucking matters, really)...
but come on... aside from my missing some days (all of which are doc excused)... you got nothing on me.
I am a saint.
i set my fucking watch for breaks...
i know BOTH systems on the fe...
really tho... I KNOW you can read this shit. and i hope you do.
god knows i wouldn't waste my time at work dealing with this lame shit, but i'm begining to hear from ppl OUTSIDE of work now, and I am not a happy camper...
go ahead - share pics... talk shit.
I am nude and online.
look. basically. i know who you are...
i know you read my posts and i know you've been shooting pics and sending em out...
...and for what?
have you nothing better to do?
how can you "smear" my "name" at work, when there is nothing to smear?
ppl like me at work. I have no issues with anyone (except maybe for a boy... ha!

my tattoos insult you huh? i am on a "porn site"? my work is a christian est and how dare they even hire me? - THAT, actually - for the record is INCORRECT and even if it was; judging a person's capabilities and/or QUALITIES on their body art is just ridiculous and completely bias... religiously established or not. really, if you wanna play this game, bring it up a notch - really.
this is mediocre and a waste of time; i dont wanna hear it anymore.
EVERYONE knows i am involved with SG (at work)... and no body gives a flying fuck except you (and ur wife)...
::cough cough::
ur the one looking at nudy pics, you know...
isnt ur wife going to have a baby?
I was raised Roman Catholic; ur breaking quite a few of the commandments.
christian jack ass.
(or are you baptist?)
either way. i dont give a fuck.
karma's a bitch? Didn't Jesus tell you?
"God is a vengeful God...."
i think i got a useful pic for you, btw

i just think that you hate the fact that i am a good person and look the way i do and do the things i do... but just cause u dont get it, dont like or dont appreciate it doesn't mean that it's wrong.
...but really. i'm one of the smallest ppl in that damn store, are you really intimidated by me that you cant say this shit to my face?
...or is it that ur just a fucking pussy?
u got an issue with me...
...just SAY IT TO MY FACE!
today i my fucking day off and i get text msgs about some jackass (from another store, no less) talking mad shit and sending pics of me out to ppl at my store... trying to stir shit up... ???

anyways, i did another tattoo the other day:

(its a peony)
I also managed to bang up my hand pretty good:

(it's totally fucking swollen and bruised, if you cant tell - - this is MY karma for JUST THINKING about beatin on someone... heh)
I also managed to FINALLY finish the design for the remainder of my side tattoo:

(this is gonna go under my "eye of Ra" with the fire and flowers and shit...)
it's been fun, as always...
this damn front page/website change thing is growing on me, btw... i'm digging it...
nice job, staff.
you, dear, are a badass. :p
people are so small minded, fuck them, you seem like a really lovely person and they just seem to be jealous and anyways its none of their business what you do with your life. by the way your artwork is awesome. hope your hand feeling better soon x