my new prescription is not covered; 149 bucks! a month... plus another 40 for my panic attack rx.
this sucks.
i am short by 200 bucks this month, as far as rent is concerned. I haven't even looked at my other bills!
anyone wanna put some money on a fight?
yo necesito mucho dinero, por favor!
I got to start that "mural" thingy at work. not really a mural, when it's work related, i say... but anyhoo.
i painted a huge wall brown; i got all sorts of shit all day for it! - heh! they thave no idea what i am going to do!
::taps fingers together, evil-like::
but, really... i had to paint a lil high for my "fear of heights" - ugh... i thought i was done feeling sick to my stomach today when i realized i wouldn't have to deal... with ONE more asshole... but then... fuck. i was preoccupied anyways all damn day... crawling up and down a latter and tipping on my toes even then... reaching over it - unsafely - cause there was just no other way....
and ugh. i'm a lil achy...
but feisty, still.
i really do wanna fight... i'm totally asking for it
i think maybe ill bite my tongue and go for a run.
have a nice day ppl. ill take a pic of that wall thingy at work when it's done and post it.

it hailed out here a few days back..

the hail was almost golf ball sized.
...i didn't break a window, thank God*... but my car's all messed up with dents.
honestly, everyone keeps bitching about their own hail damage, but i'm honestly thankful that my car is just running...
looks like a large, lead-eating cat was trotting across the top of my car... but it's not that bad...
so yeah, i gotta figure out what's going on with my RX plan. I can't afford 150 for ANYthing.
...and i need it.
especially if it helps.
I've been keeping my phone shut off.
sorry. kinda.
i just want some ME time.
no offense, but "fuck all ya'll"

i have tomorrow off. i am excited! i wanna go do something fun (that doesnt cost me any money). lol.
i'm thinking maybe a trip to a coffee house with a book. a small coffee... and then maybe window shoping at some thrift places...
anyone be down to meet me out at Spider house??? msg me on msn.
i really wanna go dancing, but my that's probably not a good idea with my achy legs.
(still wanna run tho. ha! and i'm stubborn, so i prob will anyways... reg. of how my legs feel...)
i'm mad today. :MAD:
it's not worth it...
"must keep reminding myself of this..." (tool)
speaking of music...
i had this old NIN shirt that i loved but didn't fit into - cause it was a little too big for me. I took out a lil of my aggression on it and cut it up a bit;

lol. I think it turned out pretty cute... it ties in front....goes good over a tank top... perfect for this nasty texas summer we're about to have...
yay or nay?
lol - i forgot i changed that title thingy.... ::rotfl:: "fiesty Italian bitch"
i am lately.

my new prescription is not covered; 149 bucks! a month... plus another 40 for my panic attack rx.
this sucks.
i am short by 200 bucks this month, as far as rent is concerned. I haven't even looked at my other bills!

anyone wanna put some money on a fight?
yo necesito mucho dinero, por favor!
I got to start that "mural" thingy at work. not really a mural, when it's work related, i say... but anyhoo.
i painted a huge wall brown; i got all sorts of shit all day for it! - heh! they thave no idea what i am going to do!
::taps fingers together, evil-like::
but, really... i had to paint a lil high for my "fear of heights" - ugh... i thought i was done feeling sick to my stomach today when i realized i wouldn't have to deal... with ONE more asshole... but then... fuck. i was preoccupied anyways all damn day... crawling up and down a latter and tipping on my toes even then... reaching over it - unsafely - cause there was just no other way....
and ugh. i'm a lil achy...
but feisty, still.
i really do wanna fight... i'm totally asking for it

i think maybe ill bite my tongue and go for a run.
have a nice day ppl. ill take a pic of that wall thingy at work when it's done and post it.

it hailed out here a few days back..

the hail was almost golf ball sized.
...i didn't break a window, thank God*... but my car's all messed up with dents.
honestly, everyone keeps bitching about their own hail damage, but i'm honestly thankful that my car is just running...
looks like a large, lead-eating cat was trotting across the top of my car... but it's not that bad...
so yeah, i gotta figure out what's going on with my RX plan. I can't afford 150 for ANYthing.
...and i need it.
especially if it helps.
I've been keeping my phone shut off.
sorry. kinda.
i just want some ME time.
no offense, but "fuck all ya'll"

i have tomorrow off. i am excited! i wanna go do something fun (that doesnt cost me any money). lol.
i'm thinking maybe a trip to a coffee house with a book. a small coffee... and then maybe window shoping at some thrift places...
anyone be down to meet me out at Spider house??? msg me on msn.
i really wanna go dancing, but my that's probably not a good idea with my achy legs.

(still wanna run tho. ha! and i'm stubborn, so i prob will anyways... reg. of how my legs feel...)
i'm mad today. :MAD:
it's not worth it...
"must keep reminding myself of this..." (tool)
speaking of music...
i had this old NIN shirt that i loved but didn't fit into - cause it was a little too big for me. I took out a lil of my aggression on it and cut it up a bit;

lol. I think it turned out pretty cute... it ties in front....goes good over a tank top... perfect for this nasty texas summer we're about to have...
yay or nay?
lol - i forgot i changed that title thingy.... ::rotfl:: "fiesty Italian bitch"
i am lately.

I think your NIN shirt looks awesome and it looks great on you.
You may be a feisty Italian, but I could never find it in my heart to call you a bitch.