pic comments! - EEE!!! - i am so excited!
thank you all again (in advance, if so) for your feedback.
I feel awefully lost on SG lately...
i think this last set has lots of potential - Vintage Type
I don't think Taye will ever wanna shoot with me again if SG doesn't pick up this one. haha... I feel really bad... I like Taye and I appreciate her work and her time; I feel aweful that my pics keep getting rejected - this will be our THIRD set together without a "Go".
Sorry Taye
Oh! *** In light of the fact that I am having to learn some new graphics programs. I have decided to art-deco a set and post in up on SG for member review... I think I am going to call it, Open Book. I don't expect shit from SG on this one, but I am still gonna post it - for the rest of you...
Anyhoo... i still love you sg. kinda sorta maybe
ha. gtg...
XOxoxo, t
thank you all again (in advance, if so) for your feedback.
I feel awefully lost on SG lately...
i think this last set has lots of potential - Vintage Type
I don't think Taye will ever wanna shoot with me again if SG doesn't pick up this one. haha... I feel really bad... I like Taye and I appreciate her work and her time; I feel aweful that my pics keep getting rejected - this will be our THIRD set together without a "Go".
Sorry Taye
Oh! *** In light of the fact that I am having to learn some new graphics programs. I have decided to art-deco a set and post in up on SG for member review... I think I am going to call it, Open Book. I don't expect shit from SG on this one, but I am still gonna post it - for the rest of you...
Anyhoo... i still love you sg. kinda sorta maybe
XOxoxo, t
Who knows what the opinion is worth, 'cause I thought the last one was really good as well. Just my .02.
Good Luck.