o.k. let's see how long it takes for me to A.D.D...............sittin here buzzed up listening to a great tape of a band called dgeneration tryin' to think of something interesting to type,,y'know what? it took about 5 min............just got done munchin' some crackers and cheese.....love the fact that everything tastes 10 times more kick ass when your stoned, orange soda, yummy. ...............oh, yeah .....i'm tired of seein' fukkin comercials 4 SONIC, the closest one is like 30 or 40 miles from here.......
More Blogs
Wednesday Mar 30, 2005
(this is a mental state not a physical one) -
Wednesday Mar 09, 2005
I,M BACK...... -
Sunday Dec 05, 2004
well, my time here has expired,and i leave friendless,so i don't thi… -
Sunday Nov 21, 2004
CLASSIC vh1 just played nirvana's "lithium" and are now playing "bal… -
Friday Oct 22, 2004
noone wants to be my friend.......... -
Friday Oct 15, 2004
by the way ,like anyone gives a shit, i'm drunk as fuk and i've been… -
Friday Oct 15, 2004
y'know ,reaclimating to the deep south after being out in the north … -
Wednesday Sep 15, 2004
i don't know why,but these CHEEZ-ITS really kick ass... -
Wednesday Aug 18, 2004
Well, I should probably put something more in here than just gloomy p… -
Friday Aug 06, 2004
Anonymous #9 3-00 And the smell of blowjobs and wet cement permia…