i had sumthin' profound 2 say an yet again i let it slip away..........................it saddens me that the older i get the 1's who should know me the best actually know me the least................................
damn, i love eyes,lips and butts.....................man that ain't DEEP,.....................yeah , i know but i'm too HIGH ta care................................................
gotta git home...............peace

sitting here in the early (daylight) morning hours post my friend's b-day pretty well off, wishin it was'nt foggy out so i could drive home 2 bed instead a passin out on the fukkin couch.........hope ev'ryone had the kind a holiday they wanted.........still standard issue here ...........10 years ya think ya'd get used 2 it......i need a smoke an 2 change the song.........."i don't wanna...
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i'm sittin' here stoned lookin' at BeE's new photoset w/a pearl jam lyric looping thru my head , feelin pretty chill........
. the lyric has nothing to do w/the photos it's been kinda stuck inmy head all night. " i remember when you sang that song about today,now it's tomorrow and everything has changed..."- bushleaguer .............,.............bEe is so damn cute

went to ft.lauderdale("ft.liquordale") this wkend w/ a new friend,met some new people,seem like good people. saw a great show, wayne "the train" hancock, i wish i could remember the name of the opening act ,the bass player was the roommates of the lady we stayed with. my friend's new girlfriend(?).the were fukkin' great funny as fukk . the "frontman" was highly entertaining.all in all a...
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OOOH! you pretty things don't y'know you're drivivin your mommies an poppies insane.................
oh yeah , i just remembered,i got me some o them there SG playin' cards,an i'll be damned if'n that artist boy did'nt do a BANG UP job wit his renderin of BENNI an SHERA (too bad she ain' t still here)..............

THIS WAS INSPIRED BY GOING TO LOOK AT ALEXIS' NEW PHOTOSET and NOT FINDING IT: o.k. let's see if i can keep up w/the tyraid in my mind,GO>>>>>>>the war on porn? are you fukkin kidding me? i'm so fukkin tired of this administrations bullshit tactics of smokescreening bigger,more important issues w/their right wing "moral" adgenda.first they blind the masses with all their hype against same-sex...
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You are correct my friend. The war on porn has gone too far.
Now how do we stop this war on porn?
Now how do we stop this war on porn?
thanks for your comments!!
o.k. let's see how long it takes for me to A.D.D...............sittin here buzzed up listening to a great tape of a band called dgeneration tryin' to think of something interesting to type,,y'know what? it took about 5 min............just got done munchin' some crackers and cheese.....love the fact that everything tastes 10 times more kick ass when your stoned, orange soda, yummy.
...............oh, yeah .....i'm tired...
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o.k. I'm just wonderin what a guy's gotta do to make friends on this sight ? cuz i've noticed that there are reactions to some of the comments left in some of the girls journals and i've left a few comments here an there . i don't wanna come off annoying wit the friend request thingy on this site so i figured i'd just drop...
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o.k i've come to realize that most of my entries are made while under the influence of a hell of alot of beers and reefers and they're usually brief an stupid . that would be because i can't type 4 shit,this'll probably take 45 minutes to type,another thing is i can never seem to gather my thoughts when attempting to make an entry cuz of...
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...and I'm gonna be...HIGH...
" i got memories, i got SHIT ".............