i want somebody who sees the pointlessness
and still keeps their purpose in mind
i want somebody who has a tortured soul
some of the time
i want somebody who will either put out for me
or put me out of misery
or maybe just put it all to words
and make me go, you know
i never heard it put that way
make me say, what did you just say?
...I looove Ani Difranco, especially on nights like tonight, when it's cold and you're laying in bed under a big down comforter and you're all hopped up on pain killers, watching John Cusak movies..
i absolutely love that man, the best movie he was ever in was Say Anything, Lloyd Dobbler is my hero as far as men go..
i swear i have seen damn near every movie he has been in, but that one is by far my favorite, who wouldn't love somebody standing outside their window with a big ol' boom box from the 80's with the song In Your Eyes, by Peter Gabriel screamin into your window in the middle of the night?? well i know i would dammit!!!!
well kids i am fading rather fast and the last thing i need is to fall asleep on my computer and end up waking up with key board dents all over my face...
have a good night and remember, snakes don't have any arms, that's why they don't wear vests.
and still keeps their purpose in mind
i want somebody who has a tortured soul
some of the time
i want somebody who will either put out for me
or put me out of misery
or maybe just put it all to words
and make me go, you know
i never heard it put that way
make me say, what did you just say?
...I looove Ani Difranco, especially on nights like tonight, when it's cold and you're laying in bed under a big down comforter and you're all hopped up on pain killers, watching John Cusak movies..

i swear i have seen damn near every movie he has been in, but that one is by far my favorite, who wouldn't love somebody standing outside their window with a big ol' boom box from the 80's with the song In Your Eyes, by Peter Gabriel screamin into your window in the middle of the night?? well i know i would dammit!!!!

well kids i am fading rather fast and the last thing i need is to fall asleep on my computer and end up waking up with key board dents all over my face...

have a good night and remember, snakes don't have any arms, that's why they don't wear vests.

Dear! I still waiting for you letter...